快好知 kuaihz

61. We love reading your letters and we try to publish as many as possible. 62. The deadline to publish the document is a week tomorrow. 63. They publish a potted version of Shakespeare's plays especially for children. 64. We will publish a discussion paper on the future of the BBC. 65. But it was entitled to publish and be damned. 66. Future generations will probably publish guides to the galaxy. 67. They're urging the editors to publish a full apology. 68. The Weekly will publish a complete program February 20. 69. The status and availability of the original speaker is therefore of great importance in deciding whether to publish the remark. 70. The Association's first project was to publish a 35-cent brochure highlighting nine historic sites. 71. We do not publish anonymous letters, although we may withhold a writer's identify if it is justified. 72. I have kept a journal, which I hope one day to publish. 73. They have regular regional meetings and publish a directory of members. 74. Scott and Andrew Forman rely on magnification and a computer to help them publish Connections. 75. What broke the medieval guilds was printing; some one could publish a treatise on how to tan leather. 76. We simply publish catalogues six times a year, packed with quality books at bargain prices. 77. Special publications report the output of major research projects and staff are encouraged to publish books and journal articles. 78. In addition, the opposition will be allowed to publish a daily newspaper with a circulation of 500,000. 79. The Labour party's draft document, which it did not dare to publish, refers to London policing functions. 80. We have consulted our lawyers and hope the editors will publish an apology. 81. Some large chains of supermarkets publish booklets on calorie, fat, and fibre content of their foods. 82. He plans to publish diaries about his years in office which will spark a storm in Westminster. 83. A number of local societies publish booklets which may be classified as mini-dictionaries. 84. In two to three weeks, Ehrlich said, the Commerce Department plans publish statistics on durable goods orders and construction spending. 85. We will update and - for the first time - publish the guidance for Ministers on procedure. 86. The suggestion that we should publish the amount paid for each company raises difficult problems of commercial confidentiality. 87. We will publish a draft Budget four months before the final version, to promote open discussion of economic and taxation policy. 89. Ramsey's last act for the Durham diocese was to publish a collection of his Durham Essays and Addresses. 90. Its constitution allows it to publish contracts and practice notes only where these have been approved unanimously by the constituent bodies.