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party politics造句
(31) This is not a matter of party politics or personalities or policies or even principles. (32) It was not until 1973 that he gave up party politics for good. (33) In addition to those who backed Party Politics at 14-1 there was one other big winner: the Tote. (34) Inevitably, there has been an increased distrust of party politics in the lesbian and gay communities since the Clause debacle. (35) Andrew and I spent many hours on the Windrush porch discussing almost everything under the sun from party politics to mystic transcendentalism. (36) Whoever bears the responsibility, the domination of local government by party politics is now almost complete. (37) We have to welcome this money because Cleveland can't afford to play party politics when opportunities on this scale arise. (38) Observers suggested that the election reflected widespread disillusionment with traditional party politics. (39) Ladbrokes are offering 55-1 against Party Politics winning today and Labour having an overall majority in the election. (40) The Judicature Society reported that half of the male federal judges were active in party politics before their election to the bench. (41) Many rebels disenchanted with party politics itself. (42) Some phenomenon displayed non - democratic in the result of American party politics too. (43) This thesis focuses on the study of American party politics and American presidential primary system. (44) Compromise makes a good umbrella, but a poor roof; it is temporary expedient, often wise in party politics, almost sure to be unwise in statesmanship. (45) Though with some ideal elements, they exerted a great impact at that time, especially on parliamentarism and party politics in the first years of the Republic. (46) The graph is Shiluode a this party politics is elaborated to advocate on moot. (47) What have I to do with party politics or vain amusements?Am I a Christian?Let me make my service of Jesus my occupation, my lifework, my one pursuit. (48) In the 1960s, Cornelius Gallagher seemed to be the fair-haired boy of New Jersey Democratic Party politics.