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white house造句
151. But he aimed his choicest barbs at occupants of the White House, or those trying to be. 152. But hampered by the lack of enthusiasm from the White House, the measure failed to complete its legislative programme. 153. The White House hopes that the investigation will clear the air. 154. The White House did not draft its own amendment, and Clinton said he would work with Congress to draft one. 155. Several White House aides have already been forced to resign because of the travel office and Whitewater. 156. In effect, White House aides were assigned to tell reporters the innermost secrets of the Administration. 157. The Republicans had dominated presidential politics for almost twenty-five years when Clinton began his bid for the White House. 158. Quinn is well-regarded within the White House and has been an important political adviser to Clinton. 159. The interests of the White House and of congressional Democrats do not obviously coincide. 160. Clinton is the sixth president of the postwar era to win election to the White House while already occupying the Oval Office. 161. Despite agreement on those provisions, the White House has voiced concern over several other sections of the measure. 162. The timing of the recent disclosures is hardly the best for Mrs Clinton and the White House. 163. But the Bush White House is no longer the crutch on which the rival factions in Ireland should rely. 164. Alone among his White House colleagues,[http:///white house.html] Mr Clinton knows that. 165. Top staff meetings at the White House and in the various agencies and departments are devoted to getting puff pieces written. 166. The May 13 gathering, disclosed in documents released by the White House Friday, drew swift condemnation from public interest groups. 167. Suppose when the White House Detail asks for Harry it isn't to give evidence, but advice? 168. In July 1993, Foster, then deputy White House counsel, committed suicide. 169. Barbour took over the party when it was in the doldrums following the 1992 election that lost the White House. 170. He ordered bombing runs and battlefield campaigns from the White House. 171. But any deal done between the leaders and the White House may be subject to full congressional approval. 172. Pentagon officials declined to discuss their views and referred questions to the White House. 173. For well over a century the White House had been looking west. 174. There appears to be close coordination between the Pentagon, the White House and Congress on this point. 175. And Magruder really was a card-carrying bicycle freak who had even ridden his 10-speed to the White House every day. 176. If disaster strikes again, he expects to find a sympathetic ear at the White House. 177. The president and first lady are whisked out of the room and back to White House. 178. On the third morning, the White House People returned again, armed with bows and arrows. 179. Clinton reiterated his interest Thursday during an afternoon meeting with the mayors at the White House. 180. Both the Senate panel and the White House should be dead set against it.