快好知 kuaihz

211. In 1913 his plant produced a Model T every 93 min. 212. Methods Adopting randomized, single-blinded, controlled method, 93 patients suffering from hemiplegia following cerebral thrombosis were randomly assigned to 3 groups, 31 in each group. 213. The genera mainly contained regional one-seeded genus and depauperate genus which covered 93.71% of total genera. 214. Article 93 In relation to the law breaching and criminal behaviors of an employing unit without the lawful operation qualification, legal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law. 215. Result: In optimal conditions, the yield of Sec - butyl acetate was over 93.8 %. 216. The maximum correct probability to judge the soil liquefaction under different step analysis is 67.79% increasing to 88.93% by step optimization of the parameter analysis. 217. The manifestations of eye lesion appeared as eyelid lesion(93.5%), conjunctivitis(88.8%), keratitis(26.5%), uveitis(6.5%), secondary glaucoma(1. 0%) and panophthalmitis. 218. The proportion of the left main, left anterior descending, left circumflex and right coronary artery that could be evaluated were 93.3%, 80%, 60% and 42.2%, respectively. 219. The shares represent 24.93 per cent of PCCW's issued share capital. 220. H . L . Lee , V. Padmanabhan , and S . Whang . Information distortion in supply chains . Sloan Management Review , 38:93 - 102 , 1997. 221. Results The healing and incompletely healing rates in calcium hydroxide dressing group were 93.3%, those of the Formocresol dressing group were 86.2%. 222. One astronomical unit is equal to the average radius of the Earth's orBit, aBout 93, 000, 000 miles. 223. Toxigenicity testing proved that bacteriostatic rate was 93.7% with 70% Thiophanate-methyl and 91.4%with 45% Amobam. 224. During 5.8 years of follow - up, 93 of 1105 participants with normal albumin excretion rate ( AER ) at DCCT closeout deeloped incident microalbuminuria. 225. Of 758 consecutive patients diagnosed with tachyarrhythmia by electrophysiologic studies, useful data for 705 (93%) patients were obtained. 226. Forecast error fell to 9% from 15%, on-time deliveries rose to 93% from 85%, and the company expanded the program to other distributors and to customers of raw materials. 227. Design Specifications for Science Laboratory Buildings ( JGJ 91 - 93 ) . 228. Today, Carrefour's shares at the Paris Bourse were up 2.93% to 27.23 euros in midmorning trading. 229. The positive sensivity of urinary VMA was 73%, and blood catecholamine was 93%. 230. In a subsample of 93 cases who underwent structural neuroimaging, the presence of cerebral infarcts was also significantly associated with depression. 231. The major findings of this study are summarized as follows: The rate of saving items by the computerized adaptive diagnostic system is 39.22% and prediction accuracy is 93.22%. 232. The ultimate bearing capacity analysis results show that the average load factor of the six stages is 3.93, the minimum is 3.49. 233. The sensitivity of ultrasound was 93% and specificity was 100% with a positive predictive value of 100% and negative predictive value of 99% for the detection of haemothorax after trauma.