快好知 kuaihz

1, It is only an Elastoplast solution to a far greater constitutional pro-blem. 2, It's like offering an elastoplast to somebody who has just been disembowelled. 3, In fact Meadowell is an Elastoplast name like Sizewell, invented in the 1970s to disguise what was already a running sore. 4, The sort of people who cried with relief when you went in to buy a piece of Elastoplast. 5, I jerked back, tingling with fear, feeling it peel off like a strand of elastoplast. 6, At about four o'clock he opened it and yelled to Emmie to fetch the Elastoplast. 7, Work No. 78 (1993), is described; "as many 2.5cm squares as are necessary cut from 2.5cm Elastoplast tape and piled up, adhesive sides down, to form a 2.5cm cubic stack".