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overheated economy造句
1. It was a symptom of an overheated economy, and a useful early warning of faster inflation to come. 2. Reiningin the excesses of China's overheated economy is an increasingly urgent challenge to senior Chinese leaders. 3. To a degree, Latvia's overheated economy was a product of its accession to the European Union. 4. Measures be taken to have the overheated economy cooled down . Otherwise, it be out of control. 5. An overheated economy can only exacerbate an incipient deterioration in inflationary expectations. 6. The overheated economy had resulted in a number of problems. 7. Measures be taken to hxdye the overheated economy cooled down . Otherwise, it be out of control. 8. For that reason, the gradual restraint of inflation and cooling of this overheated economy look impossible. 9. However, the over-rapid growth of fixed investments also led to the problem of overheated economy. 10. US dollar depreciation is one of factors resulting in China's overheated economy during 2001 - 2004.