快好知 kuaihz

61. During this period, African-American actors were mostly limited to playing servants or African natives. Lena Horne refused to play roles that represented African-Americans disrespectfully. 62. Lena Horne once said she felt a need to act distant on stage to protect herself. 63. There is no railway to Yakutsk. The other options are a 1, 000-mile boat ride up the Lena river during the few months of the year when it isn't frozen, or the "Road of Bones". 64. The Lena River is the world's 10th longest, stretching 2,800 miles and draining almost a million square miles of Siberia. 65. Singer Lena Horne, who broke racial barriers as a Hollywood and Broadway star famed for her velvety rendition of "Stormy Weather, " has died at age 92. 66. In the nineteen forties, Lena Horne was the first African-American in Hollywood to sign a long-term contract with a major movie studio. 67. Lena Horne said that she was able to make movies because she was the kind of black person that white people could accept.