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1. Cytogenetics experiment teaching system is built on the basis of its experiment materials. 2. It is an important process of cytogenetics to study the structures and functions of chromosome, the main carrier of genetic material DNA. 3. In cytogenetics, mosaicism is also sometimes referred to as mixoploidy. 4. Observations on the Behavior of Cytogenetics and Pollen Development of Alocasia odora ( Lindl . ) K. 5. The studies on behaviour, anatomy and cytogenetics of an intersexual goat (SANNEN) were undertaken. 6. Objective To characterize the immunophenotype and cytogenetics of chronic myeloid leukemia blast crisis ( CML - BC ). 7. Mothods: Male patients ? ? cytogenetics analysis is carried out with peripheral blood chromosome G banding methods. 8. This technique in combination with traditional cytogenetics has great significance in discussing the development of tumor. 9. The quality , disease resistance and molecular cytogenetics of 32 new species and types from wreath. 10. Will cytogenetics ever be used to treat diseases in humans? 11. Intersexual goats of Saanen breed of Xinong at Northwestern Agricultural University were studied in anatomy, histology, cytogenetics and genetics. 12. Chromosome image analysis is one of the essential tasks in cytogenetics, especially in genetic syndrome diagnosis. 13. The hybrid origination of Chinese white poplar was directly proved from the viewpoint of cytogenetics. 14. The karyotype of Nelumbo nucifera during meiosis zygotene was established in this study, which would help the studies of meiosis and molecular cytogenetics in lotus. 15. Objective To understand the health status of the radial-stricken workers in nuclear industry and to explore the types of main mutative indices in cytogenetics caused by radiation risk. 16. Methods Specimens of bone marrow in these patients were analyzed by cytomorphology, cytogenetics and molecular biology. 17. Materials and Methods:Cerebral CT findings in 23 cases with 21 trisomy syndrome, proved by cytogenetics, were retrospectively analyzed. 18. Objective To investigate the relationship between nabnormal child - bearing history and cytogenetics. 19. Peptide nucleic acids ( PNAs ) constitute an attractive new class of probes, recently introduced in cytogenetics. 20. Several exciting new applications of PNA technology have been published recently in genetics and cytogenetics.