快好知 kuaihz

1, What does SERA seek to promote? 2, Eleven positive and 10 negative sera in the test for IgG anti-human lactoferrin were selected for this analysis. 3, Slides were incubated with 1:16 diluted patient's sera and stained with fluorescein conjugated rabbit antihuman IgG antibodies. 4, We therefore intend to analyse additional sera from patients with infectious gastroenteritis for the presence of anti-lactoferrin antibodies. 5, Cage finds his unconditional love in Sera, whose very name is an acceptance of what will be. 6, Sera from all patients contained IgG antibodies that recognised Giardia heat shock antigen. 7, Whatever your interest in research, SERA has something to offer. 8, All of these sera proved to come from patients with Crohn colitis. 9, A pilgrim circling the Great Hall of Sera Monastery. 10, Results sowed that sera from patients with hookworm disease, trichuriasis or toxocariasis reacted strongly with soluble adult worm antigens of A, lumbricoides(ALSA)and that of A. 11, Results The activity of tryptase of sera, lungs and bronchial tubes increased significantly in Anaphylactic guinea – pigs compared with control group. 12, Conclusion The erythropoiesis inhibitors exist in uremic sera which has a dose-dependent inhibitive effects on the growth CFU-E and BFU-E of normal mice bone marrow cells. 13, Conclusion The erythropoiesis inhibitors exist in uremic sera which has a dose-dependent inhibition effects on the CFU- E and BFU-E growth of normal mice bone marrow cells. 14, The sera of 308 residents were tested for antibodies against Borrelia burgdorferi (strain B31) by IFA, 41(13.3%) residents were positive. 15, The reactions of 91 sera from EHF patients in Anhui, Honan, Hubai and Sanxi provinces to the specific polypeptides of EHF virus were studied with the immunoblotting technique. 16, The immune rabbit sera were used for passive immunity test in mice. 17, As negative controls, additional sections were stained with appropriately diluted normal rabbit or sheep sera. 18, The substrate used was an alcohol fixed neutrophil rich preparation with patient sera screened at a dilution of 1:20. 19, The present study was done to extend these observations and to include sera from patients with ulcerative colitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis. 20, The ATCC19410 strain was respectively made into exotoxin antigen and inactivated vaccine, and vaccine goat with it, sera was collected as positive serum. 21, Adopt radioimmunoassay method to detect the content of IL-6 in ischaemic brain tissues and sera. 22, "It's the most grandiose, caricatural, corrosive demolition of the image of the Italian mamma," said Italy's leading daily Corriere della Sera. 23, The aliquot of proteins Western blot analysis in which individual sera were tested for primary antibody. 24, METHODS: The monoclonal antibody based ICT assay was used to detect filarial antigens in the sera from bancroftian filariasis patients. 25, Objective:To provide the objective basis for prevention and treatment for the HBV infects, the infection sera modes of HBVA and the acquired immunity state of the health crowd were investigated. 26, The transformed Salmonella typhimurium was administrated to mice by oral or abdominal injection, HAVIgG antibody was found in the mice sera. 27, Strip for detection of Toxoplasma-positive serum sensitivity of the 1:5120, and goat coccidia positive serum, goat brucellosis, S. japonicum sera no cross reaction. 28, Le judo , chasse gard é e fran ? aise , sera d é fendu par la rel è ve de jeunes champions. 29, A total of 71 sons and daughters of 58 patients with arteriosclerotic cerebrostroke and 98 sons and daughters of 98 healthy persons were compared for their sera Apo-AI. 30, Objective To explore the relationship between the severity of clinical symptoms and results of sera immunoglobulin and C-React Protein in children with Tourette's syndrome.