快好知 kuaihz

1. ANOVA is an effective method used in mathematics statistics. 2. Data were analyzed by ANOVA factorial tests. 3. Nonparametric one - way ANOVA was conducted on ranks 2 to test for differences among groups. 4. One Way ANOVA is their usual choice, but the method of group discussion must be selected properly, and then the criterion of reliability coefficient must be readjusted appropriately. 5. We use the One Way ANOVA, Principal component analysis and Multiple Regression as study model. 6. The anova analysis showed that:all materials between species and intraspecies both reached the extremely obvious difference or significantly difference. 7. The statistical methods of ANOVA and T - test were utilized during data processing and presentation. 8. ANOVA, regression method and likelihood ratio test can be applied in single-marker mapping. 9. Second, by using ANOVA and T-test, we find out that there is no significant difference between male teachers and female teachers on WFC levels. 10. T-test and One-way ANOVA showed that job burnout of librarians was influenced by demographic variables. 11. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by a LSD (Least Significant Difference) test were used to compare XX among three treatment groups. 12. Dependent variable is cure days, ANOVA and range analysis were used to analyze factors and their interactions, the noptimum combinations were made according to analytical results. 13. T-test and one-way ANOVA showed possible selves and motor ability was influenced by demographics variables. 14. ANOVA, regression analysis, as well as the Monte Carlo simulation tool are applied to a carefully selected small project with desirable results. 15. At last, based on the status analysis, hierarchical clustering analysis and Onaway ANOVA, this paper put forward"EVS Strategy Model". 16. The effect of osmotic pressure on livability, body volume and activity of the tadpoles were analyzed with ANOVA. 17. Objective To introduce Split - split plot design and its analysis of variance ( ANOVA ). 18. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, One - Way ANOVA, T - test and Pearson product - moment correlation. 19. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistic - way ANOVA, product - moment correlation and multiple stepwise regression analysis. 20. Basic data are analyzed by means of T - test or ANOVA. 21. This study collected 442 retailers'questionnaires and analyzed the main effect and moderating effect through ANOVA. 22. Data were analyzed by using statistical analysis , t - test, one - way ANOVA and multiple stepwise regressions. 23. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent sample - test - way ANOVA, ... 24. The analytic methods of this study includes: Descriptive Statistics, One-way Analysis of Variance ( one-way ANOVA , Independent-Samples T test and cross analysis. 25. Eta - squared ( η2 ) is a measure of effect size for use in ANOVA. 26. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, Chi - square test, t - test and one - way ANOVA. 27. Comparisons between groups were tested by One - Way ANOVA analysis and LSD test. 28. Data were analyzed with Pearson's correlation and One - way ANOVA. 29. AIM : To explore the standardized mean difference the common effect size for ANOVA in medical research. 30. SAS 6.12 software package was used for one - way ANOVA.