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1. In what follows, I shall briefly outline the monist theory of relations. 2. But this is not sufficient: the monist must show how translation is possible at all. 3. Marx was a monist. For him there was one explanation for any social, personal or political problem: the class struggle. 4. If we've got the monist who says there's bodies but there's no souls, you could imagine somebody who says there are souls but there are no bodies. 5. So on the monist view-- which we'll call "Physicalism," because it says that what people just are, are these physical objects--on the physicalist view, a person is just a body that can... 6. Behaviorism: An objectivist and monist perspective with regard to individual actions and decisions. 7. We must also remember that human motivation is a very complex matter and monist explanations are rarely adequate. 8. Before commenting, let me now briefly sketch out by way of summary the salient points of the monist argument. 9. For most novels of literary merit, neither the dualist nor the monist doctrine will be entirely satisfactory. 10. Idealism is often contrasted with materialism, both belonging to the class of monist as opposed to dualist or pluralist ontologies. 11. Milton rather late in his life has become a monist. 12. Nietzsche surely wants to improve the ways that he judges yes and no within life by virtue of that monist insight. 13. The alternative view that we're going to consider is not dualist, but monist. 14. I appreciate your nod to one of my favorite Monist. Happy Holidays to all. 15. I'll start him on monism if I can. Norton's another monist - only he affirms naught but spirit.