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business affairs造句
1, A commercial agent manages the business affairs of company. 2, She arranged all her business affairs before going on holiday. 3, You'd better sort out the business affairs before going. 4, His business affairs are in order. 5, Applications should be addressed to: The business affairs editor. 6, Media attention focused today on the prince's business affairs. 7, He rearranged his business affairs advantageously by investing his money overseas. 8, Tom Lester is a specialist writer on business affairs Ranks Hovis McDougall spend around £18 million per year on electricity. 9, When his own business affairs fell into a state of disarray in 1773, he was forced to withdraw from public life. 10, As more reports emerge about his business affairs, his re-election looks increasingly unlikely. 11, Want to do electronic business affairs truly, still should go up through the net pay. 12, Business affairs of recreation of IT , telegraphic, network, new media, number, electron. 13, A variety of evidence make clear, electronic business affairs or a fault on the right side, become milepost of all-pervading of trend the whole people. 14, Yang Zhixiong thinks, drive mobile electron business affairs to will be brought revitalize an industry economy and pull touch the double-faced effect that needs inside 3G. 15, A multimillionaire media magnate has shocked his employees with his candor by telling them all that he's putting his business affairs on hold to enter an alcoholism-counseling program. 16, The lawyer acquainted himself with the details of his client's business affairs. 17, During her illness her solicitor has been acting for her in her business affairs. 18, I've never been very money-minded - I leave all my business affairs to my financial adviser. 19, He ordered his secretary to shred important documents when government inspectors started investigating his business affairs. 20, He made it plain that Holman's interest in his business affairs was not at all welcome. 21, The reasons for this we consider to be legitimate business affairs. 22, Quite evidently it was not his habit to discuss his business affairs with strangers. 23, I always advise musicians to digest at least a certain amount of knowledge about their business affairs. 24, Management must also consider the risk that the firm must assume in its business affairs. 25, Angel's branch of the Solis de Gonzales, however, were no good at looking after their business affairs. 26, These actions followed a Journal article in August that raised questions about the accuracy of company statements about its business affairs. 27, This year new year's day, this website is formal go up line operation, high-key march market of electronic business affairs. 28, The experience of vitalizing economics by way of soliciting business affairs and inviting investment to turn the water-power resources into pillar industry in Hefeng County is described. 29, TOPMOST majors in customizing award cup, award tray and keepsake of celebration or business affairs. 30, The user of use computer has his confidential document, especially to business affairs user character, do not be willing naturally to let others use his computer, lest cause commercial secret leak.