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(1) Objective To evaluate the repellence of five plants against the female adults of Culex pipiens pallens. (2) Objective To evaluate the repellence of five plants against the female adults of Culex pipiens pollens. (3) Oscar Wilde's kitsch typically reflects the distortion of aesthetic modernity which is confronted with the repellence and the assimilation of bourgeois modernity. (4) Methods Ethanol extractions of five plants were tested for repellence against the female adults of Cx. pipiens pallens with a "Y" olfactometer. (5) Water contact angle determination shows that small amount of QG-F814 added into the system led to a high water repellence surface. (6) The utility model is to provide a plane roof rainwater collector capable of safety and smoothly repellence of rainwater and snow water on the roof. (7) This stiff, tacky compound has excellent dielectric properties, oxidation resistance and water repellence. (8) The survival bacterium observed is only the gram positive bacillus in these samples, which show that some gram positive bacillus in beef have more repellence for ultra-high pressure. (9) This paper mainly describes the preparation of wax based thermofixed water repellent and the testing methods of finishing effect of the agent. The principle of water repellence is investigated. (10) Shown reason that the presence of crosslinking agents in the fluorocarbon resin improved durablity of water and oil repellence using CDT and DSC tests.