快好知 kuaihz

high on造句
151. In Mexico people were able to live high on a moderate income. 152. Those controlling Ilim Pulp, for example, come high on the list, illustrating the significance of Russia's vast raw materials wealth even beyond the better known oil and gas sectors. 153. Picture a college girl named Gloria, climbing up high on a ladder, struggling to clean that filthy ceiling. 154. Late trias, the up-and-down configurations of Ordovician weathered crust peak are high on the west-north and low on the east-south, oil-gas moved to west-north. 155. Achieving this is currently quite high on the priority list. 156. The Lascaux caves, in the Dordogne region of France, may have the answer. There you can see a painting of a red cow with a black head high on one of the walls. 157. The Anaconda has eyes high on its head so that it can stay camouflaged underwater while watching and waiting for its prey. 158. It is illegal to pile horse manure more than six feet high on a street corner. 159. According to the US Dept. of Health and Human Services, 39% of high school senior males say it is acceptable to force sex with a girl who is intoxicated or high on drugs . 160. High on the company is producing all kinds of high local flavor of the Chinese family of sausage meat, cured products and frozen food fast food enterprises. 161. One day, he disappeared for a while and came back lugging the leg of a pregnant tapir — an animal high on the list of endangered species. 162. Embracing immutability is high on the list of ways to think like a functional programmer. 163. Easy Exotic travels the world for recipes that aren't dauntingly complicated or time consuming, but are high on flavor and health. 164. " the dog is laughing to say: "Because I carry defect high on the shoulder, and ' too ' the word hides defect dead deathtrap in crotch. 165. Meat is piled high on a board, and the constant thudthudthud of a swinging c leaver echoes round the chamber. 166. With its gaping maw, hairless body and eyes that sit high on its head, the semiaquatic hippo is one of the most distinctive members of Africa's mammalian menagerie. 167. I was flabbergasted when I learned that Congress had copyright duration extension high on its agenda. 168. We may still be a few weeks off before the holiday arrives but everybody's high on the Yuletide cheer. 169. His hat sits high on his forehead to allow his fringy bangs to show and the bottom of his ears also. 170. While diversity may be high on the list of the more "social-minded" managers, don't ever expect to sit at the executive table if you emphasize issues (or non-issues) such as this.