快好知 kuaihz

be due造句
31. Even without him playing the improvement in the defence must be due to a large degree to his presence. 32. The move was seen to be due to the normalization of church-state relations following the establishment of the Solidarity-led government. 33. Ideally, you will be due a lengthy period of notice if your employer wishes you to leave. 34. The slightest change in the barometer, although it might be due to factors quite outside our control, would correspondingly depress them. 35. Unsoundness which could be due to hereditary factors would be a good reason for rejecting the mare. 36. The results of the transplantation experiment may only be due to the transplanted salmon following the lead of the native salmon. 37. This clause should be amended to provide that the first rent payment will be due on the Rent Commencement Date. 38. The anomalous heat is thought to be due to solar energy, which penetrates the surface ice in spring and warms the depths. 39. This may be due to the lack of motivation and low rate of pay. 40. This may be due to the severe hypokalemia, which can cause respiratory muscle dysfunction. 41. It could be due to the mild weather that occurred in the autumn when the lambs were conceived, he said. 42. This was considered to be due to the limited involvement of the officers and the clerical assistant in certain parts of the analysis. 43. Movement can be due to a variety of causes and sometimes results from the combined effect of more than one cause. 44. To mean that an invoice issued on 15 June would have to be due no later than 15 July. 45. Some of the gaps must be due to chance, but there is no mistaking the insularity of interest which these volumes display. 46. This may be due to the complete absence of functional Ea and/or non-polymorphism of the Ea gene product. 47. Corporate diversification may often be due to a sense of needing to use up cash surpluses, rather than risk-spreading. 48. In any case of gross misconduct no notice or pay would be due. 49. Other changes in reporting may be due to shifts in public perceptions of police attitudes towards specific crimes. 50. Partly this may be due to that hidden psychological impact we have touched on before. 51. Thus differences in pay and prestige between occupational groups may be due to differences in their power rather than their functional importance. 52. These strains are prone to wasting away, which has been assumed to be due to constitutional weakness. 53. The authors indicate therefore that excesses of prostatic cancer in industrial workforces are unlikely to be due to external radiation. 54. Where there was success it was claimed to be due to local outlets and relevant local knowledge. 55. This general type of bias may be due to a selective memory search for information favouring a positive personal outcome. 56. They may be due to senile atherosclerosis. 57. A unilateral discharge may be due to local inflammation. 58. The most widely accepted example of sympatric speciation is that of the cichlids of LakeNabugabo in East Africa, which is thought to be due to sexual selection. 59. The U - shape of some glacial valleys may be due also to deposition. 60. The mechanism of IUD-induced menorrhagia is believed to be due to the release of relaxin from endometrial granulocyte.