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greek mythology造句
31. She reminds us of those lyrical tree nymphs in Greek mythology. 32. Strong Practicalism and high view of beauty in Greek mythology agreed with his "half rapscallion". 33. Greek mythology a river in Hades that was said to be a tributary of the Acheron. 34. In Greek mythology, satyrs are half-goat, half-man creatures associated with Pan, the nature god, and Dionysius, god of wine and pleasure. 35. To distinguish this object from the malevolent "Nemesis," astronomers chose the name of Nemesis's benevolent sister in Greek mythology, "Tyche." 36. Greek mythology the last king of Troy; father of Hector and Paris and Cassandra. 37. Diabolism has a very long history in the West, and its origin can be traced back to ancient Greek mythology and ancient Hebrew Bible. 38. Greek Mythology A queen of Sparta and the mother, by Zeus in the form of a swan, of Helen and Pollux and, by her husband Tyndareus, of Castor and Clytemnestra. 39. Greek mythology a woman transformed into a Gorgon by Athena ; she was slain by Perseus. 40. Priapus Greek Mythology Roman Mythology The god of procreation, guardian of gardens and vineyards, and personification of the erect phallus. 41. Greek Mythology Any of the three sisters Stheno, Euryale, and the mortal Medusa who had snakes for hair and eyes that if looked into turned the beholder into stone. 42. Dionysus is the god in Greek mythology, according to legend is the father of the gods Zeus and the Theban princess born Li Serbian secret. 43. In a bit of cloak-and-dagger grandiosity, the firms dubbed their collaboration Team Themis, after a titan of Greek mythology who embodied natural law. 44. The city is named Athena, a goddess in Greek mythology. 45. Promitheus Unbound is a poetic drama written by famous British romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, based on a story in Greek Mythology. 46. Ancient Greek mythology, the goddess of justice and order blindfolded, Baipao, Golden Delicious, to weigh his left hand, right hand Jujian. 47. Greek Mythology Roman Mythology A priest or votary of Bacchus. 48. Keep scrolling down for the self-loading exhibit of Paintings of Greek Mythology... 49. Greek mythology a mythical Trojan who has killed by Achilles during the Trojan War.