快好知 kuaihz

1 The rates of arthrosis involvment and nails involvment were higher than those in psoriasis vulgaris. 2 In the earlier period, it show mobile arthrosis ache , swelling and dysfunction; while in the advanced stage, it show arthrosis rigor, deformed, functional incapacitation or even disability. 3 The presence of arthrosis did not appear to correlate with pain or predict disability or function. 4 Another study found that devil's claw supplementation was effective in patients with rheumatic diseases (arthrosis and low back pain). 5 Background: End - stage ankle arthrosis is one of the leading causes of chronic disability in North America. 6 Left of former our for 8 years arm arthrosis comminuted fracture. 7 White - collar workers often sit all day long and they really should activize their arthrosis sometimes. 8 The gout signs, concentration of K and pathological changes in arthrosis and tissues around were observed. 9 TARA is 8 m high and it has the human like arthrosis and the eyebal can move. 10 They were classified and treated according to their grade of reduction and degree of arthrosis. 11 It can obviously improve the skin pruritus and bone - arthrosis pain. 12 UKA is a proven surgical option in the treatment of isolated arthrosis of one compartment of the tibiofemoral joint.