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portal vein造句
1. Another postmortem study of three patients showed portal vein thrombosis with fresh thrombus extending from recently injected varices. 2. Complete or partial occlusion of the portal vein is a common cause of portal hypertension in childhood. 3. However spontaneous portal vein thrombus may occur in portal hypertension and the infusion of vasopressin may also play a part. 4. In four patients cannulation of the portal vein was impossible for anatomical reasons. 5. The application of radionuclide angiography in assessing portal vein patency or occlusion has received limited attention. 6. Failure of the portal vein to bifurcate. 7. Hypertension; Portal vein; Surgical procedures; Devascularization. 8. The primary endpoint was the occurrence of portal vein thrombosis, while secondary endpoints were survival and decompensation, Villa said. 9. The color flow of the portal vein revealed no color, red, mosaic or filling defect. 10. The first case of portal vein aneurysm was reported in 1956. 11. Conclusion The human hepatic portal vein system possibly is close related with the Chong Vessel. 12. Background: Portal vein arterialization (PVA) has shown efficacy to treat acute liver failure ( ALF ) in preclinical studies. 13. Conclusion Double intubated hepatic artery and portal vein regional infusion chemotherapy in non-resectable metaphase or late primary liver carcinoma may ameliorate symptoms and prolong survival time. 14. Objective To discuss the safety limit of portal vein embolization, to evaluate the feasibility and efficacy of Bletilla microsphere used as an embolic agent for portal vein. 15. Objective To evaluate the effect of portal vein arterialization on hepatic regeneration. 16. OBJECTIVE: To explore three-dimensional reconstruction of hepatic portal vein by laminagraphy of cast specimens to provide anatomic basis for hepatectomy. 17. The most time consuming part was related to transjugular cannulation of the portal vein. 18. In these circumstances, the sensitivity of this method of detecting portal vein occlusion may be diminished. 19. The vascular effluent was collected in one minute fractions through the portal vein. 20. Objective: To observe the distribution of the Lipiodol Ultra-Fluid (LUF) after portal vein injection in the Wistar rats with hepatic alveolar echinococcosis (HAE) and study the blood supply of HAE. 21. A portal cavernoma is a network of porto–porto collateral dilated tortuous veins lying within the hepatoduodenal ligament, which develops as a sequel to portal vein obstruction. 22. The features cirrhotic portal hypertension were within liver, larger in spleen and widen in portal vein. 23. Results:All the 66 cases weren't showed abdominal residual abscess, infection of portal vein and pyemia. 24. The liver has been called the antechamber of the heart because it collects and processes all of the gastrointestinal blood through the portal vein and delivers it to the right side of the heart. 25. Objective To investigate the incidence and causes of postoperative portal vein thrombosis ( PVT ) in patients after shunting and (or) devascularization operations. 26. Therefore hepatic vein has higher blood glucose level than that of hepatic portal vein. 27. We also can treat the porta hepatis tubing of the operation area and protect the portal vein before resection. 28. Conclution: Helical CT portography(CTP) can provide the comprehensive information about the portal vein cancer embolus. 29. In this case, venous air embolism (VAE) happened during the dissection of collateral vessels of the portal vein, which to our knowledge was ever been reported in liver transplantation surgery. 30. Results The characteristic features included losing the normal structure of the portal phase and obliteration and many abnormal enhanced collateral vein around portal vein (cystic vein).