快好知 kuaihz

1. Good. Discolouration may occur in sunlight exposure. 2. This discolouration is completely harmless. 3. These ingredients can cause bleeding under the nails, discolouration and can roughen the smooth texture of the nails. 4. Symptoms of over-exposure may include bluish discolouration of lips and tongue, severe headache, nausea, confusion, dizziness, shock, respiratory paralysis, death. 5. In this paper, the discolouration and microbes pollution of LAP solution by slow-cooling were indevestigated. A new inhibitor-liquid paraffin with better effect was found. 6. In the paper, the discolouration phenomenon of silver-plating layer and its mechanism are ex pounded. Furthermore, the anti-discolouration processes and its quality requirements are proposed. 7. Actively watch for cavities if you spot any discolouration or pitting then they could be signs of cavities. 8. The discolouration in process of routine H. E stain was studied. 9. This discolouration is caused by higher than expected levels of iron, and indicates that the solution may be losing effectiveness. 10. Discolouration of silver and basketry - inlaid silver artwares and the protection technology were studied. 11. This reaction produces a dark pigment known as melanin, which is responsible for the discolouration. 12. Add lemon juice to the water to prevent after cooking discolouration. 13. Mix all the salad ingredients in a large bowl and moisten with the lemon juice to prevent discolouration. 14. Brush the cut surfaces with the lemon juice to help prevent discolouration. 15. Cellulolytic hyphomycetes cause blue stain and soft rot of wood, discolouration and loss of strength of cotton materials and moulding of almost any damp organic substrate. 16. As in the case of all medicines containing iron, the intake of Floradix Formula may cause the bowel motions to be particularly dark. This discolouration is completely harmless. 17. Dual - action toothpaste with Xylitol and baking soda to remove stains and surface discolouration from teeth. 18. Avoid any whose odour, is in any way unpleasant, or that have soft spots and obvious sign of discolouration . 19. Applying more heat or energy than is required to fully cure the powder coating. Overbaking can result in discolouration, loss of gloss or deterioration on mechanical properties. 20. These kind of movie posters get better with age and all examples nowadays are distressed and tattered with rips, creases and discolouration. 21. Sensitive to the local surface or leather seats, please try, without discolouration or fading before use. 22. The church that had sheltered it so long had given it some protection at the last, and only a slight discolouration of the rock told of the fires that had passed this way. 23. Shake well before use. Test in an inconspicuous area prior to first use to avoid discolouration. 24. On the other hand, common side effects associated with oral CHX use include tooth discolouration, irritation and, very occasionally, serious allergic reactions, they said.