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1 There are many parallels between Yeats and the Romantic poets. 2 Eliot was asked to give the first Yeats memorial lecture in Dublin in 1940. 3 The contrast with Yeats is instructive, and it doesn't work in Pound's favour. 4 From now on, she told Yeats, romantic passion would be taking second place to political commitment. 5 Yeats wrote out his poems in prose first: it is a discipline which works. 6 For he is the AESTHETE, as I had Yeats speak of him. 7 Maud Gonne was the muse of W.B. Yeats, the Irish poet. 8 Vaster than a hundred lines of Yeats. 9 The myth that Yeats takes up is of Zeus's rape of the maiden, Leda,[www.] whom he attacks as a swan. 10 " Got your note. W. B. Yeats as a messenger and all that. 11 Let us plant a rose as Yeats once planted. Let it bloom. 12 Yeats once said that he wanted the natural words in the natural order, but he had a very highly cultured sense of what is natural, and his poetry is full of verbal archaism. 13 Remember how Yeats represents history as rape in "Leda and the Swan." 14 My father went to meet his maker ten yeats ago today. 15 Originally written by Yeats as a poem, Down By the Salley Gardens did not become a real song until 1909 when Northern Irish composer Herbert Hughes set the words to the tune of an old Irish melody. 16 That "Spiritus Mundi" that Yeats refers to in "The Second Coming," well, this is Yeats talking about that idea here. 17 In this last period, Yeats has developed a tough, complex and symbolical style. 18 Yeats assembled for children a less detailed version, Irish Fairy Tales, which appeared in 1892. 19 You can see him, in a sense Yeats, cooling the fire in the head of Aengus at this moment. 20 Yeats is famous for his lyricism, which comes from five sources. 21 Born in Dublin, in 1865, the firstborn of John Butler Yeats and Susan Mary Yeats. 22 The innocent and the beautiful have no enemy but time . --- W . B . Yeats. 23 " In life courtesy and self-possession, and in the arts style, are the sensible impressions of the free mind, for both arise out of a deliberate shaping of all things" (William Butler Yeats). 24 Being influenced by studies of Occultism, metaphysics and Indian religion, Yeats explored symbolism and investigated origin and nature of the world in his last period of poetic creation. 25 Among these pillars of English literature were Jonathan Swift, William Butler Yeats, James Joyce, Samuel Beckett, Oscar Wilde, George Bernard Shaw, and Edmund Burke. 26 If a poetinterprets a poem of his own he limits its suggestibility(William Butler Yeats. 27 He is not only a great Irish poet since W. B. Yeats, but also an outstanding critic and translator. 28 Content: No one can supersede the position of Irish poet W. B. Yeats in the circle of English poem in the 20th century. 29 In 1887 the family returned to Bedford Park, and Yeats devoted himself to writing. 30 Leda and the Swan" seems to say a knowledge of the body, of the necessity of embodiment. In the late Yeats, in the poems that I'll be discussing today, there's no knowledge apart from the body.