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bond market造句
31. The bond market had caught fire, and experienced salesmen such as himself were all at once much in demand. 32. Finance ministry officials yesterday said at least six brokerages are under investigation for trading violations in the local Brady bond market. 33. Some are focussing on areas such as swaps and derivatives, which can give them an edge in the primary bond market. 34. He was the guru of the bond market and also the conscience of our firm. 35. The bond market traders, like the products they manage, hav no identifiable personal presence anywhere. 36. Whenever the government releases a particularly bad inflation report, the bond market takes a dip. 37. Frankfurt dropped by 3.3%, thanks to fears of higher interest rates and a downturn in the bond market. 38. On the table in the front of the room was a telephone, which rang whenever the bond market went berserk. 39. The bond market also reacted negatively to the budget impasse. 40. Now, cast your eyes leftward along the monthly bond index to note that the bond market bottomed in November 1994. 41. It lacked an accurate vision of where this explosion in the bond market would lead. 42. But in the corporate bond market, some say the government shutdown is putting a drag on issuance. 43. In the bond market, unlike in the stock market, commissions are not openly stated. 44. But the stock market did not react negatively to the news, taking its cue from the bond market. 45. By then junk bonds were 25 percent of the corporate bond market. 46. The Brady bond market has grown to a volume 50 times greater than the daily volume in shares, traders said. 47. It was a room full of young, educated men baying for money on the bond market. 48. However, because of the early bond market close, a Merrill underwriter said the deal was postponed until today. 49. The handful of traders who made life miserable for graduates of Harvard completely dominated a third of the bond market. 50. The sterling bond market apart from gilt-edged had all but ceased to exist. 52. The euro denominated sovereign bond market is a mess. 53. Perfect bond market structure and function. 54. In recent years, the euro bond market integration was deepened and extended at a good pace. 55. The open market operation makes difference to the movement of monetary market and bond market. 56. Credit experts now anticipate this pattern is a likely prospect for the cash bond market in Europe. 57. Meanwhile, this week's column is on the disaster that didn't happen in the corporate bond market. 58. Due to different investors having different tax rate, whether there is tax effect in the bond market is an important issue. 59. Bond market is the fundamental market of open market operation which acts as one of the three monetary policy instruments. 60. First, the active use of the corporate bond market to help finance.