快好知 kuaihz

1. It seems likely, then, that genes from distantly related prokaryotes are occasionally recombined. 2. Genes from wholly unrelated species are being swapped and recombined, creating new entities that would never have evolved on their own. 3. So, molecular fragments, formed by irradiating a precursor, would instantly recombine. 4. Stranded cotton is the best to use because the six strands can be separated and re-combined to make the thickness you require. 5. The electron - positron pair may survive without recombining. 6. "I'm in the business of recombining and putting together genres, and making it come out as Watermelon Slim music," he explains. 7. New mode of pharmacological experiments was constructed by recombining the overlapping contents of pharmacology, physiology and physiopathology. 8. The divide-and-conquer strategy means continually splitting up and recombining data, as they're passed between different cores. 9. Hunt:Nekhorvich specialized in recombining DNA molecules. In the myth, Bellerophon was a prince who killed the Chimera. 10. Reconstituted and recombined milk and milk products are those that result from the recombining of milk constituents with potable water. 11. The system and the method for preparing high-quality petrol by hydrogenation after recombining component oil refining hydrocarbon cannot only remove olefin, but also can remove thioalcohol and diene. 12. Is life an unbroken chain of genetic code, running down through the generations, endlessly recombining in new forms? 13. The rub is to prevent the wrong elements from recombining. 14. A fluid may flow through a maze of tiny channels , bifurcating and recombining randomly. 15. Weimusai says, buy outright a plan " will make cost is cut while we are undertaking recombining , improve efficiency " .