快好知 kuaihz

come to pass造句
1. It really did come to pass. 2. None of this may come to pass, but all efforts to prevent it so far have backfired. 3. The dire warnings of world shortages have not come to pass. 4. Such regulations may someday come to pass, but perhaps not soon enough for the butternut. 5. It will come to pass, shortly I presume, that others will come forward to claim they wrote the book. 6. Strange things will come to pass. 7. Strange things come to pass I troubled times. 8. Such drastic outcomes may never come to pass. 8.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 9. The threat has come to pass without any damage. 10. But that did not come to pass. 11. How exactly did that come to pass? 12. May this prophecy come to pass in Jesus'name, Amen! 13. They had come to pass on their experience in stock raising. 14. Thus it had come to pass , that Tellson's was the triumphant perfection of inconvenience. 15. If this does not come to pass, it will not have been for want of ambition. 16. I doubt if his promises will ever come to pass. 17. Many people would like the electoral system to be reformed but I don't believe this will ever come to pass. 18. Although ending the race to drink up before closing time has not moderated drinking habits, neither have apocalyptic predictions come to pass. 19. It depicts a small-town world adjusting itself for an event it was certain would come to pass. 20. But it's not really surprising that this accommodation should come to pass. 21. The divorce between labor and capital that has occurred in the developed world has not come to pass in the developing countries. 22. I hope you will simply do what you can do in the best way you know. If you do so, you will witness miracles come to pass.Gordon B. Hinckley 23. Our hope concerning the future is great, and our faith is strong. We know we’ve scarcely scratched the surface of that which will come to pass in the years that lie ahead.Gordon B. Hinckley 24. Yet even the fact of her absence was cause for congratulation, for what she had presciently foretold had come to pass. 25. As a postscript to this, Paul's wedding did finally come to pass. 26. Another political factor may also play a large role in 1995: An expected capital-gains tax cut may finally come to pass. 27. The Grand Mufti replied that it was his view that everything would come to pass just as the Fuhrer had indicated. 28. And they shall pass through it, hardly bestead and hungry: and it shall come to pass, that when they shall be hungry, they shall fret themselves, and curse their king and their God, and look upward. 29. On February 12 the Czarina died, the Miracle of the House of Brandenburg had come to pass. 30. ending the race to drink up before closing time has not moderated drinking habits, neither have apocalyptic predictions come to pass.