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labour movement造句
1. He became a colossus of the labour movement. 2. We are friends of labour movement. 3. The country has a well organized labour movement. 4. During these years the labour movement of the United States has made great progress. 5. They disintegrated the labour movement. 6. Parts of the labour movement, however, remained or became hostile to the war. 7. The traditional wings of the Labour movement were afraid that Livingstone had unleashed a torrent - and they were right. 8. The labour movement, supported by Charles Booth, had long advocated universal pensions payable to all over sixty-five. 9. Hence, there was considerable tension within the labour movement as to the desirability of state welfare. 10. In 1962 the only focus for the local Labour movement was the trades council. 11. The Labour movement was not, however, convinced by these arguments: rather it continued to oppose family allowances. 12. The Labour movement might not be a home for lesbians and gays, but it was certainly no longer enemy territory. 13. From then on, the labour movement offered no serious opposition to conscription as such. 14. Women in the labour movement also tended to favour the idea of a family wage. 15. These divisions within the labour movement made it a less influential force on the side of social reform than is often thought. 16. The right of the Labour movement were now firmly in control. 17. The repression which followed temporarily halted the labour movement and dealt the party a heavy blow. 18. There was a tendency to radicalism in the labour movement. 19. I know my opinion is shared by many of my comrades in the Labour movement. 20. International politics were a formative influence on the British labour movement. 21. The United Peace Alliance had only a tenuous connection with the organized Labour movement. 22. To remedy this weakness that is the next task before the labour movement. 23. It held a series of well attended meetings, bringing together diverse elements within the labour movement on a unified platform. 24. Each was conscious of its isolation, each felt the necessity of maintaining contact with the Labour movement. 25. The General Strike ended a major epoch in the history of the labour movement. 26. In proposing a ban on strikes, the Soviet leadership therefore wished to nip the incipient labour movement in the bud. 27. Southwood was not much interested in the tactics of the Labour movement. 28. Outraged by this action, the miners, supported by the Colorado labour movement, took up arms and raided local mines. 29. The political stance of the working class will rely heavily on the nature, size and development of the labour movement. 30. The policies and attitudes of the autocracy virtually ruled out the emergence of a moderate, reformist labour movement.