快好知 kuaihz

1. Gibraltar is the key to the Mediterranean. 2. The Rock of Gibraltar is one of Europe's most famous landmarks. 3. He tried to swim across the Straits of Gibraltar. 4. The ship called at Gibraltar to coal. 5. The Rock of Gibraltar is honeycombed with caves. 6. Some of the crew jumped ship at Gibraltar and disappeared. 7. According to our tour guide, Gibraltar is the largest fortress in the world. 8. Many ships coal at Gibraltar. 9. You're a bit like the rock of Gibraltar . 10. Gibraltar has been called the key to the Mediterranean. 11. The straits of Gibraltar lies between Europe and Africa. 12. Gibraltar is a free port and receives transIt'shipping. 13. As a fortress and naval and air base. Gibraltar commands the western entrance to the Mediterranean. 14. Gibraltar fell to their zeal in 711 and soon afterwards they took Spain. 15. El estracho Gibraltar es la ú nica comunicaci ? ? n del Mediterr á neo con el oc é ano Atl á ntico. 16. The Straits of Gibraltar are the strategic passage between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic. 17. Spain is a country located in the southwest of Europe. It shares the Iberian Peninsula with Portugal, Gibraltar and Andorra. 18. Their next dip will be in the congested shipping lanes of the Strait of Gibraltar, which separates Africa from Europe. 19. For uncounted millions, faith remains as rock - solid as Gibraltar. 20. A great convulsion is shaking the earth from the Khyber Pass to the Straits of Gibraltar. 21. Gibraltar is one of Britain's Overseas Territories, is located in the south of Spain, and the Strait of Gibraltar, the Mediterranean, the Atlantic Ocean adjacent. 22. They believe in God, and that means they believe he exists in objective reality, just as surely as the Rock of Gibraltar exists. 23. Take their disappearance, which a team led by Finlayson has pinpointed to the rock of Gibraltar, between 28, 000 and 24, 000 years ago. 24. Any of several short-tailed monkeys of the genus Macaca of southeast Asia, Japan, Gibraltar , and northern Africa. 25. It is separated from the rest of Europe by the Pyrenees and from Africa by the Strait of Gibraltar. 26. Spain is located in the south of the Iberian Peninsula in Europe, North endangered Bay of Biscay, south across the Strait of Gibraltar, the strategic position is very important. 27. You don't have to view the Rockies, experience the Rock of Gibraltar, or gaze at Mount Fuji to realize how awe-inspiring are the vistas of our globe, but it helps. 28. A ship bound for Australia had sent to the Sailors' Home for a stoker in place of one who had thrown himself overboard off Gibraltar in an attack of delirium tremens. 29. The United Kingdom also has several overseas territories, including Gibraltar and the Falkland Islands. 30. Bond clings to the roof of a flaming Land Rover careening down the narrow passes of the Rock of Gibraltar in The Living Daylights.