快好知 kuaihz

1 Amelia gulped down her coffee and rushed out. 2 These words showed that Amelia was suspicious. 3 'Sometimes a girl wants to be chased,' Amelia said. 4 Amelia had inherited her mother's good bone structure . 5 When Amelia bought a new car it had to be the latest thing. 6 Muriel thought it idyllic, but Amelia was bored. 7 There the continuing tumultuous interest initially stunned Amelia. 8 Amelia worked for Exxon until last year. 9 Amelia tore the envelope open and laughed. 10 Amelia was holding a huge bouquet of flowers. 11 So you heard this shit from Amelia? 12 Clearly Amelia was a hard act to follow. 13 Amelia got up from the table, shaking her head. 14 Amelia seemed to pout, playing with a salt shaker. 15 Amelia Otis's name is nowhere to be found. 16 Now with Amelia, Gosmo had the first aviation editor. 17 Atalanta was a role model Amelia could relate to. 18 Amelia felt at home and fitted in. 19 Amelia likes German composers, particularly Wagner. 20 Amelia had a wonderful time piloting her pet. 21 Amy was baptized Amelia, but always called Amy. 22 In it Amelia gave a slightly awkward interview. 23 Amelia was chewing it over, undecided. 24 Amelia had a terrible time that winter. 25 Nor did Amelia complain about her lack of money. 26 Dorothy and Amelia got on famously. 27 Amelia had a splendid time with Neta. 28 Amelia was very hesitant about bobbing her hair. 29 By this time Amelia had obtained a transport license,[www.] the mark of a professional pilot. 30 And each day for the next several days, no matter how full her schedule, Amelia wrote a sequel.