快好知 kuaihz

in preference to造句
(1) She was chosen in preference to her sister. (2) He studied chemistry in preference to physics at university. (3) They bought French planes in preference to British ones. (4) Use clear English in preference to technical language. (5) Many of these products were bought in preference to their own. (6) She chose to learn the violin in preference to the piano. (7) Demand management had been given priority in preference to profitable or productive work. (8) Mr Campbell is thought to have been chosen in preference to Charlotte Hudson, the chief reporter on Watchdog. (9) I like paying with credit cards in preference to cash. (10) Just as white bread was once eaten in preference to brown, so white rice was always the standard choice. (11) Choose him in preference to her own work once again? (12) I would usually choose apples in preference to pears. (13) I would usually choose teaching as my profession in preference to engineering. (14) Transaction costs have encouraged firms to expand their own internal capacity in preference to extensive reliance on outside suppliers. (15) The grammatical system of each language will itself encourage the use of certain devices in preference to others. (16) In the drawing used here the effortless decision has been chosen in preference to the one that required a little more effort. (17) She broke this news to me gently, casting her clear gaze towards the window in preference to seeing my hurt. (18) Black knight An alternative offeror which the target company is prepared to recommend to its shareholders in preference to a hostile bidder. (19) The victims of a burglary are often puzzled as to why the thief chose their home in preference to others. (20) Secondly, there are processes which select certain patterns of motion in preference to others. (21) Ten-year-old Bart and eight-year-old Lisa regularly hug their television set, often in preference to their parents. (22) Therefore, it seems shareholders should absorb the risks of an enterprise in preference to management doing so. (23) These factors also influence the demand for one sort of drink in preference to another. (24) Wherever possible non-destructive approaches outlined earlier should be used to meet research objectives in preference to excavation. (25) Experiment also shows that the eye learns to travel along the upper edge of a line in preference to the lower edge. (26) The idea of anybody, Marge especially, liking that wall-eyed ox in preference to Dickie made Tom smile. (27) Choice of bile acid - Ursodeoxycholic acid was chosen in preference to chenodeoxycholic acid because it is virtually free from side effects. (28) After that I could never see the point of toiling up a steep incline in preference to riding comfortably on a ski-lift! (29) There are certain clothes we feel comfortable in and which we would wear in preference to all others. (30) It is the stuff in the video shop, to which people have consciously turned in preference to what is broadcast.