快好知 kuaihz

1. I made a real hash of my exams. 2. They hashed over the problems of the new couples and decided to help them. 3. He hashed a phrase in order to colour the sentence. 4. They were asked to sit down together and hash out their differences by their father. 5. You have hashed up the matter that should be handled by me. 6. I'm sorry I hashed up the arrangements. 7. He made a complete hash of the last question. 8. The differences between them have been hashed out. 9. I made a real hash of the interview. 10. They agreed with my views that they hashed out. 11. I made a complete hash of my driving test. 12. The reorganization plan was hashed out September 16. 13. We thought we knew our parts, but when the play began we hashed the whole thing. 14. I have to hash over your application to join the club if you persisted in your errors. 15. The Government made a total hash of things and squandered a small fortune. 16. I'm old, now I'm often hashing over the old fine days. 17. I hope all of us not to hash up old bitterness against one another. 18. We hashed out if we left the matter to him. 19. The first interview was all right but I rather think I hashed up the second one. 20. The process is often also described as hashing. 21. The optimum size of hash table can only be determined if the approximate number of items to be stored is known. 22. Brokerage's hashing no case can clinch a deal! 23. The idea hashing is fast access to data. 24. Hasn't the committee finished hashing over the question yet? 25. A contributor among multiple cooperating hashing operations. 26. A random string used in security hashing. 27. After signing a cooperation agreement May 11, the two airlines have been hashing out details. 28. The other is content assigning algorithm based on two - phase hashing. 29. Prove elementary properties of modular arithmetic and explain their applications in Computer Science, for example, in cryptography and hashing algorithms. 30. Some weaknesses have been found in a more recent hashing algorithm, known as SHA - 1 .