快好知 kuaihz

1, Get a few ranters together and they give you broth if you let them save your soul. 2, A ranter preaches there between the services - an excellent, fiery, Christian man, they say. 3, The voice of a "ranter"triumphantly consigning a Barnful of rustics to eternal damnation caused Tess to pause a moment in a doorway. 4, There are no unnecessary dramas with him, he's not a ranter or a raver and that is what Newcastle needs, " he explained. 5, That sentence has been quoted again and again in support of the view that I am a bigoted, intolerant , closed-minded, intemperate ranter. 6, Mamy and papa said that this is a real De Ranter , cause all the De Ranter men sneeze in the sun in the sun, and three times in a row!