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watch over造句
1. It's like trusting a wolf to watch over sheep. 2. The guards were originally hired to watch over the houses as they were being built. 3. Please watch over the little birds for me. 4. Her parents used to keep a jealous watch over her when she was young. 5. He and his wife maintained a 24-hour watch over their son. 6. The mother kept a watch over the sick child all night. 7. There was no foreman to watch over him and he could please himself when he made his walk around the yard. 8. The Treasury has staff to keep a continual watch over each department's spending. 9. Its highly flexible neck enables it to keep watch over a wide area while it is both searching for and chasing prey. 10. Obviously it is worth keeping watch over the pond during these times to ensure that the fish do not become stuck. 11. However, if it were possible to keep careful watch over a longer period[/watch over.html], you would discover two interesting things. 12. They would have to keep a strict watch over the gauges of all the devices. 13. She appointed officers, kept a watch over financial affairs, and made sure the work was progressing smoothly. 14. It was his job to watch over Fraser during the night. 15. Yet certain films he would watch over and over again and never tire of them. 16. Then they did not watch over this man. 17. LANCE: Tommy! I'll stay here and watch over Diaz! 18. Do not be afraid; God will watch over us. 19. They kept a strict watch over the patient to note the slightest change in his condition. 20. "I," he finished poetically, "will watch over you to the break of day." 21. Calls upon a Guardian Spirit to watch over the friendly target . 22. Away from Herta's childhood room, away from the angels on the walls that used to watch over her. 23. Susan and David were convinced angels had decided to watch over their son. 24. And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. 25. Mitra installed a video camera on a tree nearby to watch over the kiosk and observe what the children did. 26. Fortunately Scott was reasonably obedient as long as some one kept a close watch over him. 27. They showed the attack on him four or five times, and it was hard to watch over and over. 28. The doctor said Louie was sick, and that they had to watch over him. 29. While a kettle boiled she could set a table, light a fire, and watch over a cooking breakfast. 30. When they are first learning to talk, we support, watch over, and extend their oral language development.