快好知 kuaihz

1) She had come to enjoy Roberto's luxurious life-style. 2) Their extravagant life-style plunged them into debt. 3) It would, however, mean a completely different life-style. 4) This entails matching your life-style to that of the new time zone as fully and rapidly as convenient. 5) Life-style refers to distinctive ways of living adopted by particular communities or sub-sections of society. 6) The primary reason for the adoption of this life-style is the attitude to the economic rewards of work. 7) Life-style is a controversial issue, and a full analysis of the arguments is beyond the scope of this book. 8) Think about your future life-style together; will there be a lot of formal or informal entertaining? 9) The family's life-style is comfortable, conventional, squarely middle class. 10) Your hair-style depends,too,on your life-style. 11) She also began moving toward a different life-style. 12) It was quite another to establish government policies ensuring blacks a chance at a life-style equivalent to whites. 13) The cottage development acquired a distinct demographic identity, as well as a life-style of its own. 14) You need to adapt to the demands of your own particular life-style. 15) And you are assaulting their self-image and threatening their whole life-style. 16) Upper-class Christians were indistinguishable from their pagan fellows in their life-style. 17) For example, during the daytime the internal clock as well as our life-style and environment raise body temperature and the urinary removal of water. 18) But can the numbers and purchasing power of those following the Yuppy life-style be quantified? 19) Religion is the arena within which much of this wrestling match between old values and new life-style is fought. 20) When the farm worker sees ex-workmates supporting a more grandiose life-style he becomes more aware of his own relatively lowly situation. 21) Adjusting your body clock Sometimes we want to change the timing of our life-style. 22) Traditionally the landowner need not cultivate the land intensively to provide sufficient to maintain prestige and a very good life-style. 23) The diary below is one way to establish how regular are the rhythms in your life-style and environment. 24) The contrast could not be more stark between Spiro's Hollywood life-style and the North London suburb he once called home. 25) In all cases, the effect of the body clock is being accentuated by our life-style, generally by means of the hormone adrenalin. 26) The ruling class was clearly visible in terms of its life-style, attitudes, accents and political and social dominance. 27) Treatment was not merely a matter of prescribing herbal medicines, but a whole regimen which controlled the diet and the life-style. 28) You need to find what is right with your current life-style, in terms of food and exercise,[http:///life-style.html] and what needs improvement. 29) There is a whole social structure associated with our life-style. 30) Is it a function of our body clock or our life-style, or due to some interaction between the two?