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31. In 1905 was created a tournament named The Australasian Mens Championships. 32. For starters, the statutes should re-written to require proof of mens rea -- evidence that an individual knew what he or she was doing was wrong and still purposely chose to violate the law. 33. His Judgment, like other mens Valour, has commonly the generosity to favour the weaker side. 34. Like I said before, if this article was about mens aggression then there would be little objection. 35. The subjective mens rea for aggravated consequence includes not only negligence but also direct intent and indirect intent. 36. Certainly they are much rarer than the ordinary mistakes or accidents which exclude intention or mens rea in the ordinary sense. 37. This paper Sums up experience of how to improve memory efficiency in teaching organic chemistry by mens of association, generalization and simplification. 38. We want to buy Traditional Salwar Kameez , Traditional Jewellery, Gift Articles, Mens Wear, Handicrafts, Jackets, Skirts, Tops, Trousers. 39. Traditional Salwar Kameez, Traditional Jewellery, Gift Articles, Mens Wear, Handicrafts, Jackets, Skirts, Tops, Trousers.