快好知 kuaihz订阅看过栏目


1. Functions JavaScript are lexically rather than dynamically scoped. 2. The comparison operation determines whether the first string lexically precedes the second or the two strings are lexically equal. 3. Traditional rhetoric holds that metaphor is lexically a kind of contrast and substitution of meanings, and it is a deviation of the normal rules of language use. 4. Overall, domestication was preferred in news translation lexically and syntactically with most culture-bound words foreignized and few replaced by functional equivalents. 5. That's where the power of lexically scoped variables comes into play. 6. Derivational affix modifies the word lexically which can be divided into prefix, infix and suffix. 7. Preprocessing number tokens lexically include all integral literal tokens (2.13.1) and all floating literal tokens (2.13.3). 8. Atoms are themselves ordered lexically (that is, z has a greater value than a), for example (see Listing 12). 9. Lexically scoped variables refer to the local environment in which they were defined. 10. Is it to do with the syntactic structure or to the way in which this structure is lexically manifested? 11. In this case, the translator may decide to encode the relevant information lexically, as in the following examples. 12. In some cases, a morpheme may have variable forms, known as allomorphs, conditioned phonologically, morphologically, grammatically and lexically. 13. That's because variables specified in a closure's use keyword are lexically scoped. 14. English teaching in China's senior high schools has long been grammatically and lexically centered. This teacher-centered methodology is not suitable in the current development of our country. 15. MXML files are, at heart, well-formed XML files, which means the XML namespaces serve the same purpose as any XML namespace does, that of keeping different tag names lexically scoped. 16. Most regions also have their own local dialect that is both structurally and lexically very different from Italian. 17. Its main concepts are cohesion—the feature that bind sentences to each other grammatically and lexically—and coherence—which is the notional and logical unity of a text. 18. A positive dayTimeDuration of one day, two hours, three minutes, and 4.5 seconds can be represented lexically as P1DT2H3M4.5S.