快好知 kuaihz

widely distributed造句
1. The leaflets have been widely distributed. 2. Cases of the disease are widely distributed through Europe. 3. These cells are widely distributed throughout the body. 4. This species of dolphin is widely distributed throughout the world. 5. These are widely distributed within the region. 6. Deposits of galena are widely distributed but by no means equally accessible to early centres of civilization. 7. The incident became the basis for the widely distributed composite drawing of the suspect. 8. By 1086, Droitwich salt was being widely distributed over the Midlands. 9. A highly decentralized and widely distributed organization may require a number of such people. 10. The Hereford is probably the most numerous and widely distributed beef breed in the world. 11. Mute Swans are fairly widely distributed breeding birds in Sussex, but little up-to-date information about numbers is available. 12. The emphasis will be on widely distributed supercomputing and high-bandwidth visualization. 13. Creativity and ingenuity are widely distributed and evident in the natural activities of children outside school. 14. The most widely distributed Shas tract shows a smirking Weizman standing next to a grim-looking Deri behind bars. 15. The underlying pathology is a widely distributed inflammatory lesion in peripheral nerves, with adjacent demyelination. 16. It is widely distributed in space among different individuals, and widely distributed in time over many generations. 17. Plant lectins are widely distributed in plant kingdom. 18. Flavobacterium indologenes is a gram-negative bacillus widely distributed outdoors. 19. Microbodies are widely distributed in the plant kingdom. 20. Muddy coast is widely distributed in Tianjin littoral zone. 21. Parenchyma cells are widely distributed throughout plants. 22. Some types of plants are widely distributed. 23. Shark is a widely distributed along the Atlantic coast. 24. They are embodied in unpublished theses, research reports of limited circulation or in monographs and journals which are not widely distributed. 25. His articles, printed in the New York and Boston press, were widely distributed in pamphlet form. 26. This is a time-consuming task as the information on software is widely distributed between the printed and institutional sources. 27. Patients who suffer a myocardial infarction may not have widely distributed coronary disease. 28. The bank therefore has an incentive to ensure that the paper is widely distributed among investors. 28.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 29. The benefits of local economic development are alleged to be widely distributed. 30. As Rowe notes, pictures of the crackdown were not widely distributed at the time.