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pipe in造句
1, The leakage was traced to an oil pipe in the cellar. 2, He knocked out his pipe in the big glass ashtray. 3, You can leave buried lead pipe in place. 4, Water was leaking from a pipe in the bathroom. 5, Nate held his lighted pipe in one hand while his other hand held his elbow. 6, Forget Colonel Mustard with his dinky old lead pipe in the library. 7, Starting from the centre, pipe in an outward spiral to cover the pies. 8, Clean as below Using pipe cutters Place the pipe in the pipe cutters with the cutting wheel on your pencil mark. 9, Silver waited calmly, his pipe in his mouth, as he watched his followers. 10, We left Lincoln tied to a water pipe in the concrete emptiness of the backyard. 11, Dad is smoking a pipe in his armchair. 12, He has a pipe in his mouth. 13, Conductor: But you have your pipe in your mouth. 14, He sat in a chair, pipe in mouth. 15, We have to pipe in oil. 16, The part of the supporting pipe in the foreign matter collecting pipe is a funnel-like terminal of large lower part and small upper part which is used for collecting more effectively. 17, Workmen digging a new water pipe in the centre of Shiah holy city of Karbala discovered the remains of dozens of people. 18, Scores of firemen spent four hours after the explosion trying to repair a fractured gas pipe in the middle of High Street. 19, Its crushed her windpipe, and the doctors have put a pipe in so she can breathe. 20, Mrs Lowyer turned to look at him and saw him lean forward to tap out the pipe in the ashtray. 21, Meanwhile a pair of kestrels has produced four young in a disused ventilation pipe in a raw materials store. 22, Objective : To observe the improving methods of retrograde insertion of silicone pipe in the nasolacrimal duct. 23, This paper mainly introduced the distributing manner date processing method, precision and several innovations of the measuring control network for underground pipe in Xiamen. 24, The new mechanism, which is actuated by electromagnetic power, can wriggle in a small pipe in two directions, and walk in a bent pipe smoothly and easily. 25, The appearing and lasting time of pipe flow is related to the rainfall intensity, duration of rainfall, the previous water content of soil and the location of soil pipe in soil section. 26, Even at the age of 39, with a mortgage, two sick kids and a leaking pipe in the laundry room, the clown in the movie Poltergeist still gives him the creeps. 27, He was robed in a wonderful dressing gown, and puffing his pipe in gloomy silence. 28, The successful application of the completion technology with compound tail pipe in Chuanjiang Well 566 provides the experience for well completion of the similar wells in future. 29, Thae reason and treating measures of seepage in backwater pipe in tailings base are summarized. 30, For the season grows heavy with its fullness, and there is a plaintive shepherd's pipe in the shade.