快好知 kuaihz

1. Perseus and Andromeda lived happily ever after. 2. Perseus took Andromeda to her parents, and asked for her hand, which they gladly gave him. 3. Second, your so-called bride, the pretender Andromeda, will be sold off-island into prostitution. 4. And then here, much larger, Andromeda and the monster from the sea. 5. Andromeda : This isn't your fight! 6. Andromeda: Thellos isn't your fight! 7. It cannot be that Hades is Andromeda! 8. Andromeda was destined to marry Prince Calibos. 9. Andromeda, this is our final offer. 10. By accepting the Andromeda, I sanctioned it. 11. Perseus could fight against Medusa for Andromeda. 12. Japanese andromeda can be processed into drugs to prevent pests. 13. Andromeda detected hundreds of thousands of machine parts in the area. 14. For starters, try scanning for Andromeda galaxy with the unaided eye or binoculars. 15. The knight of Andromeda ended up being the reincarnation of the lord Hades. 16. If you can't see the Andromeda galaxy with the unaided eye, try binoculars. 17. You're using the Andromeda to make sense of a senseless universe. 18. The great Andromeda Galaxy owes a bit of its beauty to a dalliance with another galaxy billions of years ago, according to new data gathered with NASA's orbiting Hubble Space Telescope. 19. M 31 ( Andromeda galaxy ) is the biggest spiral in the Local Group. 20. Of the two dozen nearest galaxies, only one - the giant spiral Andromeda - is bigger than the Milky Way. 21. It's like cancer, and if it doesn't stop growing, Andromeda will die. 22. And , indeed, this haze represents the light of the Andromeda galaxy's billions of stars. 23. Extending from the Square, you'll find two graceful streams of stars – another constellation, Andromeda. 24. The skies cleared, and no one had to go all Andromeda Strain in the marathon, running in a biohazard suit instead of a track suit. 25. Once unleashed by its gloomy keeper Hades (Ralph Fiennes), the squirmy sea monster is ready to devour Princess Andromeda (Alexa Davalos) and destroy the rebellious city of Argos. 26. With its infrared eye, Herschel has revealed at least five distinct rings of relatively cool dust, places where stars can form inside Andromeda. 27. The colliding Antenna Galaxies, a hyperkinetic smashup in space, may approximate what will happen when the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy collide in about 2.5 billion years. 28. Observational properties of the largest Local Group spiral M 31 ( Andromeda galaxy ) are presented. 29. This deeper V is your arrow in the sky, pointing to the Andromeda galaxy. 30. An imaginary line drawn through these two stars points to Andromeda galaxy.