快好知 kuaihz

1 Through a midline abdominal incision, a cholecystectomy was performed and the lesser pancreatic duct was ligated. 2 A cervical vagotomy was performed through a midline neck incision and a tracheostomy tube was inserted at the same time. 3 In the posterior part of the body there appears to be a distinct mid-line streak and diagonal marks running out from it. 4 A pulsatile midline mass suggests ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm. 5 Trichion. The hairline midline point. 6 Unit midline a cause for concern. 7 Class I occlusion with coordinated dental midline was obtained. 8 There are midline deviations in population with normal occlusion. 9 Third the pressure must be applied in the midline. 10 Traditionally, a long midline incision extending from the xyphoid to the pubic symphysis was required to treat synchronous multifocal lesions in both the upper and lower urinary tract. 11 The pain was confined to the midline and was aggravated by heavy labor. 12 In midline, the anterior and posterior layers of the rectus sheath fuse to separate the 2 recti and form the linea alba . 13 Objective: To study the effectiveness of punctate midline myelotomy (PMM)for the treatment of intractable visceral cancer pain. 14 Bilateral pedicle pectoralis major myocutaneous flaps , pedicle midline forehead flap and left pedicle trapezius myocutaneous flap were used for soft tissue reconstruction. 15 The ectoderm anterior to the primitive streak forms the neural plate which is slightly indented along the midline. 16 Both sexes have a small black spot in the midline at the base of the tail stalk. 17 Inset: The erector spine muscles lift the torso and the rhomboid draw the scapulae towards the midline. 18 The challenge around tactics of modem football always be applied in midline of center field and downfield . 19 The mesial is the surfaces of the tooth that faces toward the front or midline of the mouth. 20 Objective To explore a way of mini-abdominoplasty for the patients with midline scar in lower abdominal wall. 21 Use oil streaks to test the oil level of reduction gear box, and make sure it is above the worm midline and below the gearing face. 22 A generous right subcostal incision is made, occasionally with extension in the upper midline. 23 It has also solve the psychological distress of female patients provoking by midline showy scar of median sternotomy, so it has acquire a good surgical cosmetic effect. 24 Conclusion Nasal or paranasal diffuse infiltrative lesion with bone destruction is typical CT findings in midline malignant granulomatosis. 25 Over the cerebellar hemisphere, 3.5cm lateral to the external occipital protuberance, parallel to the midline of the head, 4cm long extending downward. 26 Objective : To assess the value of transrectal ultrasonography ( TRUS ) in the diagnosis of midline prostatic cysts. 27 Measurement showed the septum pellucidi deviated from falx cerebrum and midline. 28 Our examination revealed bilateral swelling of the soft palate a midline uvula pushed A , arrows. 29 China maintains the principle of "continental nature extension", and Japan holds the principle of "equidistance midline". 30 Conclusion Rabbits vasal ligation that is distant from the scrotum and epididymis via a ventral midline incision could lessen surgical trauma and reduce early post-operational complications.