快好知 kuaihz

31. Is a really bad identifier name . 32. Further, it assumes that any individual entity has some enterprise-unique identifier that's part of the record, such as a customer number or SKU. 33. The transaction identifier contains the identifier of the sending computer (first 16 bits) followed by a 4-byte transaction sequence number. 34. This model also defines the transaction identifier, the mechanism of locking and detecting conflict. At last, three sub-model processing is proposed. 35. USA phone Number A USA phone number is a numeric identifier used to call from one to another in a public switched telephone network. 36. This call includes the source security identifier (sid), the security class (constructed from the details of the requested operation), the particular socket call, and optional auxiliary audit data. 37. The function identifier is used in a context that requires trailing parentheses. 38. A message identifier is a named constant that identifies the purpose of a message. 39. In the proposed index structure, term and element tag based on inverted list, in addition to a horizontal term-based index, a vertical index based on GID of element identifier is added. 40. Each Data Link Connection Identifier ( DLCI ) supported by the interface is reported as active or inactive. 41. In figure 1.8 we made the tasks more specific by adding a type identifier. 42. If one schema has an anchor to "name" and the other to "identifier",[http:///identifier.html] a machine can navigate WordNet automatically to recognize the lexical similarity of those terms. 43. Note: Underscore in the label name is used as mnemonic identifier in menu. 44. The comments will be used to help the agency determine what next steps the agency should take related to a unique device identifier (UDI) system for medical devices. 45. To associate an absolute address, virtual address or device identifier with a symbolic address or label in a computer program. 46. This paper summarizes main techniques of image data compression and addresses the issue of image coding standard as well as coding identifier for end user of the digital library. 47. In a relational system, it's more likely that a Committee identifier would be an attribute of the member (so that you could join or select on a committee name). 48. An XID uniquely identifies the transaction and is made up of three parts: a format identifier, a transaction qualifier, and a branch qualifier. 49. Note: A procedure may have more than one entry; each entry usually includes an identifier, called the entry name, and may include formal parameters. 50. Gets the type associated with the specified class identifier ( CLSID ). 51. On the click event, it calls the update function and passes on the employee object, which is bondable to the form fields, name, and identifier. 52. When a CPU wishes to send an interrupt to another CPU, it stores the interrupt vector and the identifier of the target's local APIC in the Interrupt Command Register (ICR) of its own local APIC. 53. The client passes in a unique identifier -- a resource name -- for the resource; the service locator finds the resource and returns it to the client. 54. In a real implementation, each event would include some type of patient identifier that would be used to find the doctor's e-mail address from an external data source. 55. The UGI initiative would provide an unique global identifier for every hotel and organization in the sell/stay transaction process. 56. If the maximum identifier length is too small, certain predefined identifiers will be unresolved as well as certain library function calls. 57. A type identifier is placed in the message that indicates which type to create. 58. The message keys contain a product identifier in the first segment of the key name. 59. An iPhone does not transmit a customer's real name, but Apple and third-party apps can identify a device with a string of unique numbers, known as the unique device identifier (UDID). 60. Notes: Either uppercase or lowercase can be use for reserved word and identifier.