快好知 kuaihz

1. His house is like Fort Knox. 2. The Fifth Armoured Division was based at Fort Knox. 3. Knox had taken it on himself to choose the wine. 4. Knox laughed off rumors that he would be running for mayor. 5. Mr. Knox Does my right hon. and learned Friend think that this situation represents satisfactory progress over the last 18 years? 6. Knox also won the doubles championship, teaming with Claire Curren. 7. Knox tried to create as wide a base as possible for his theocracy. 8. Mr. Knox Does my right hon. Friend agree that that is an impressive increase over that period of years? 9. Father Wilfred Knox, a nice fellow but with a horrible mirthless titter. 10. People feared that turning the City into Fort Knox would damage its attraction as a financial centre. 11. Knox made a desperate bid to get in front at the last corner but Martin held his line and emerged the winner. 12. Barbara Knox, who plays Rita, is clearly considered the Street's leading mourning lady. 13. No easy task and no wonder that Charlotte Knox, who painted them, receives equal billing with Davidson for the book. 14. Knox J. in his judgment cited a passage from the speech of Lord Wilberforce starting at p. 1025D. 15. Christopher Knox, defending, said yesterday Herron had lost a promising career. 16. Miss Knox is a real eye opener. 17. A man called John Knox came to see me. 18. Frank: My old at Knox. 19. And Knox what kind of a name was that? 20. I was very angry with this man Knox. 21. Mr Knox is 72 and has to move. 22. Where Root had been suave, knox was often offensive. 23. In the last three months, Robert Knox has bought 7,000 acres. 24. The trial of Mickey and Mallory Knox was SUCH an event, that it made the crime spree that preceded it pale by comparison. 25. American Amanda Knox has scored a victory in her effort to overturn her murder conviction in Italy. 26. Stanley said he had flashbacks and hallucinations for several years after he left Edgewood and returned to duty at Fort Knox. 27. The case Starr builds must be as impregnable as Fort Knox. 28. Another son of Haddington was, it has been claimed, the fervent Protestant evangelist John Knox. 29. If one describes search as the crown jewel of the information age, then instant messaging must surely be the key to the Fort Knox of web 2.0. At least that's how things are panning out in China. 30. Is there any particular reason why you turned this place into Fort Knox?