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1. Sigmoid no like, fear poison. 2. In the sigmoid colon, however, 47% of strictures were malignant. 3. The rectum, sigmoid colon, and terminal ileum seem to be particularly at risk from pelvic radiotherapy. 4. Dislodging entrapped fecal matter above the sigmoid colon area. 5. Simple right sigmoid colon needn t to manage. 6. The curve of nutrients uptake by poinsettia was sigmoid. 7. The rectum and sigmoid colon are at the bottom extending to the right. 8. The involved parts are rectum, sigmoid, cecum and ascending colon. 9. Conclusions Laparoscopic peritoneal vaginoplasty and sigmoid loop vaginoplasty present a similar therapeutic efficacy, but the former gives less surgical invasion than the latter. 10. The left ureter was tunneled under the sigmoid mesocolon towards the right lower abdomen. 11. Rectum, sigmoid colon and left colon were most often involved in UC, while cecum ascending colon and right colon were most often involved in CD. 12. Fig 3. EMR for sigmoid colon submucosal cancer, additional surgical operation after EMR. 13. The dilation of rectum, sigmoid colon, and transverse colon had significant difference in different positions. 14. Conclusion Orthotopic continent delemial sigmoid neobladder is a simple and effective method for urinary diversion. 15. In circumstances where the topography was not clear, patients received only sigmoid colon infusions. 16. White says that to be a clavicle, the specimen should have an S- or sigmoid curie, but it does not. 17. At colectomy two Dukes's A cancers were found; one in the sigmoid and one in the transverse colon. 18. Conversely, the motility index is decreased in those with diarrhoea, so that the sigmoid behaves like a sphincter. 19. The measurements were performed in the perfusion fluid obtained during regional perfusion of inflamed sigmoid and rectal segments. 20. These findings are consistent with decreased transit in the proximal and rapid transit through the sigmoid colon in patients with active colitis. 21. We used a perfusion system where segments of the sigmoid colon and rectum were isolated. 22. Similarly, the transverse colon was recognised by its characteristic triangular folds and the sigmoid colon by its circular folds. 23. The same drug given intravenously prevents the postprandial increase in sigmoid segmenting pressure activity in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. 24. The investigation started with an endoscopic examination up to the junction of the sigmoid descending colon. 25. The investigators defined the distal bowel as the descending colon, sigmoid colon, and rectum, and they categorized each bowel segment according to the most advanced lesion present. 26. METHODS: 5 patients of bladder tumor who have the indication of radial cystectomy underwent sigmoid - rectal. 27. We performed complete wedge resection of the diverticulum and primary closure of the sigmoid colon. 28. Objective To study the diagnosis and operative treatment of redundant sigmoid colon in children. 29. Objective To study the therapeutic effect of vaginoplasty using sigmoid colon graft for congenital absence of vagina. 30. Pathological examination of the bladder revealed bladder abscess and the sigmoid colon showed diverticulitis .