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1) The parser works its way along the text string word by word. 2) A parser is an extension of a recogniser which assigns grammatical structure to the input. 3) It is necessary to give the parser instructions on how to search for the correct parse. 4) Since this type of parser is well documented, I will simply outline its main features. 5) In fact an efficient parser must be guided by pragmatic as well as syntactic constraints. 6) This led the parser to explore the more likely solutions first. Another option is to use a breadth-first approach. 7) A parser is a program which takes as input a sentence and a grammar, and which constructs such a parse tree. 8) Hence the parser has only to decide on the syntactic structure that can be made from combining these different parts of speech. 9) The parser works in bottom-up, breadth-first manner and uses a chart for efficiency. 10) Use a parser generator framework (for example, ANTLR). 11) It causes the parser to parse an NP. 12) SAX is a serial access parser API for XML. 13) When successful, the parser calls a client-supplied semantic action. 14) An XML parser can process any byte stream. 15) Woden is a Java?-based WSDL 2.0 validating parser. 16) The parser loads the document into your computer's memory. 17) The SAX parser runs on a callback model. 18) When working with a parser generator like Coco , it's important to understand the basic concepts. 19) The parser in this made-up example does not care about the exact contents of the declaration, because it's tangential to the sentence. 20) Parser errors are returned in the Compilation Unit class instance. 21) 'Information on the KDevelop parser generator, useful for language plugins. 22) Compiler parser in principle, have to with documentation of the code analysis. 23) This chapter reviews the considerations that must be taken into account when selecting a parser for a specific task. 24) Entities are expanded when a document is parsed by an XML parser. 25) Whenever possible, try to develop separate tests for your lexer and your parser. 26) This assumes that the underlying transcoder that is integrated with the parser supports the encoding you've specified. 27) With format TEXT on the other hand, a plain-text parser is used to parse and index the document. 28) The modules that designed and implemented by author include task import module, log file parser module, log file analysis module and report module. 29) This dissertation discusses the theory and realization of the Probabilistic Context Free Grammar-based syntactic parser. 30) The method to design and develop the keyboard command parser is proposed in this paper. The class structure and algorithm for it are also given.