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sickle cell造句
1. Chronic and acute problems associated with sickle cell anaemia. 2. Diagnostic features of different types of sickle cell disease. 3. Haemoglobin electrophoresis showed sickle cell trait. 4. People with sickle cell anaemia and thalassaemia are known to have red cells with defects in their outer membranes. 5. There is still widespread ignorance about Sickle Cell Anaemia and the chances of passing it on. 6. Diagnosis of the clinically severe forms of sickle cell disease is not difficult, providing awareness of the disease is high. 7. Around 300 children with sickle cell disease are registered at King's College Hospital. 8. Sickle cell crises are extremely rare but affected individuals should be warned of the potential dangers of severe hypothermia or hypoxia. 9. The role of the staff at sickle cell centres is highly varied, but is summarised in Table 4. 10. How does assist patients with sickle cell disease? 11. How does hydration assist patients with sickle cell disease? 12. How common are sickle cell disorders? 13. Sickle cell disease and pregnancy. 14. Sickle cell disease is a common genetic disorder. 15. What is sickle cell disease? 16. This is sickle cell anemia in sickle cell crisis. 17. Are patients with sickle cell disease at greater risk of infection? 18. Is there a difference between sickle cell disorder, disease and anemia? 19. Are there other novel ways of treating sickle cell disease? 20. These disorders may include cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, sickle cell anemia, and many others. 21. Sickle cell disease is a blood disorder due to a single genetic mutation. 22. In Britain one in ten black people carry the sickle cell gene. 23. The most effective way of organising specialist care is through sickle cell centres, which can offer both clinical and psychological support. 24. A clear example of a mutation altering development is the inherited genetic defect, sickle cell anaemia. 24.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 25. This can only be achieved if health professionals are adequately trained in the recognition and care of patients with sickle cell disease. 26. What is hemoglobin F, and how does it affect sickle cell disease? 27. Blacks for example are more prone to a blood disease called sickle cell anemia than whites. 28. It is also needed for regular transfusions for people with conditions such as thalassaemia and sickle cell disease and is used to make products such as clotting factors for people with haemophilia. 29. if you could prevent the switch from happening, or reverse it, and let people with sickle cell disease use fetal hemoglobin for life, that should reduce symptoms. 30. This rodent proof of principle suggests that turning off BCL11A in people with sickle cell disease should allow them to produce enough fetal hemoglobin to reduce or eliminate their symptoms.