快好知 kuaihz

1 The younger child makes undifferentiated reflex responses to stimuli. 2 Television news was pervasive, undifferentiated, and relatively unbiased. 3 Muscovy's commoners, of course, were not an undifferentiated mass. 4 Underlying the behaviour of an apparently undifferentiated and chaotic mass of hooligans are distinct rules and moral careers. 5 In fact, an undifferentiated product accompanied by outstanding service could command up to a 10 percent price premium. 4 2. 6 Byrd concludes that lists of undifferentiated definition words are not selective enough for adequate mappings, but the overall plan shows promise. 7 Undifferentiated comparisons which ignore parental occupations and educational backgrounds and environmental conditions like housing are also of very limited value. 8 These estimates thus assume a nationally undifferentiated level of disease prevalence or bed-occupancy. 9 Callus 1 . A mass of undifferentiated parenchyma. 10 Eskimos are at increased risk for undifferentiated lymphoepithelial carcinoma. 11 Small - cell undifferentiated carcinoma: a rare esophageal cancer. 12 Undifferentiated carcinomas with osteoclastic - like giant cells carry a similar prognosis to ductal adenocarcinoma. 13 Conclusion Optic cup of 12.5-embryonic-day-old rats composes of undifferentiated cells, and the stem cells are mainly located in optic cup inner and marginal. 14 The sexually undifferentiated tissue in an embryo that becomes the penis or clitoris. 15 Colonial officials tended to see Indian society as an undifferentiated whole. 16 Most studies entailing isolation of intestinal epithelial cells invitro and subsequent grafting invivo have used intact undifferentiated fetal endoderm. 17 This is the classic case of kingdom building out of relatively undifferentiated units. 18 Smoke rose toward the pale blue ceiling and vast undifferentiated shadows danced on the walls. 19 His cheek, shaved, ready for the outside air, presses mine,[www.] which is still warm and undifferentiated. 20 Does the kitchen midden swell with pride when filled with undifferentiated garbage? 21 Everyone talked like Amis wrote, and the dialogue slumped into an undifferentiated brawl of voices. 22 Two of the children with acute myeloid leukaemia, and both of the children with undifferentiated leukaemia, had Down's syndrome. 23 Embryonic stem cells(ES cells)are unique cell populations with the ability of self-renewal, unlimited proliferation, multipotent differentiation and maintaining their undifferentiated state. 24 Notable among these thinkers is Parmenides, who maintained that reality is an undifferentiated oneness, or unity, and that consequently real change or individuality of things are there? 25 MRND is suitable for medullary cancer, differentiated cancer and some microcarci noma of thyroid, but MRND for undifferentiated thyroid cancer is controversial. 26 Ilmenite in Henan kimberlite implies that kimberlitic magma in the area is undifferentiated magma of si... 27 Samadhi is the state of being aware of one's Existence without thinking, in a state of undifferentiated - Beingness . 28 Time is a variable in nature and its elements are not the undifferentiated atoms with which one can construct buildings as Democritus or Plato imagined. 29 Pathologic study revealed a cystic nephroma with foci of primitive, mesenchymal, undifferentiated, embryonal type sarcoma. 30 The average cost method is best suited to operations that involve a large volume of undifferentiated goods stored in common areas.