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61. He looked at Caroline like a man rising from a deep sleep, and then his face hardened. 62. Caroline nodded, drew a deep breath, made her entrance ... And came to a dead stop. 63. She was still at the convent. At the convent with Caroline. 64. Caroline stepped from her shoes, then from her dress as she made her way across the room. 65. Later Caroline specialised in Special Needs classes and introduced the first class to help stroke victims. 66. According to Bradford-based marketing executive Caroline Powell, the trend is towards mixed colours with a more natural emphasis. 67. Which is why Caroline likes nursing him as if he were still a lost child. 68. I had made some silly sexist remark, and Caroline convinced them I was dangerous. 69. Caroline was the belle of the ball in her silver and white evening gown. 70. Caroline took the chance to draw some calming deep breaths, get her scattered emotions under control. 71. She succeeds Caroline Marland, who is stepping down after 24 years with the company. 72. While assuming a pose of utmost civility and cordiality, Caroline is relentless in her campaign to undermine me. 73. Saturday I woke up livid at six in the morning, brooding over Caroline. 74. When Caroline smiled at Eddie, his heart missed a beat. 75. My job 153 would be a breeze were it not for a certain Miss Caroline Yamamoto. 76. Caroline is in her late forties; she resembles a five-foot potato with black tufts of Raggedy Ann yarn for hair. 77. Oh, and Caroline, if you're going to the party, make sure you stay the night at Casa Sciorto. 78. She wasn't looking forward to being grilled about her friend Caroline. 79. Caroline strode to the windows and plumped her hands down on the sill. 80. Sweet Caroline Inter is a name synonymous with functional, practical footwear for the leisure sports market. 80.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 81. By now Caroline had left the London college and was working for a glossy magazine in Cardiff. 82. Caroline was not only learning, she was doing what she'd wanted to do, channelling her energy into something positive. 83. It had been a beastly day and Caroline had been so silly at supper. 84. Caroline and her best friend both had babies within three weeks of each other. 85. For several years she made tours of the Continent with her elder unmarried sister, Caroline. 86. The wind sighed again as it swept through the ruined temple, and a little shudder went through Caroline. 87. Caroline cut the split ends off Meera's hair but decided she should keep the length. 88. It was the first public appearance for Caroline, who has been learning to belly dance for about eight months. 89. Caroline would give me hell for evermore if she thought I'd mistreated her best friend. 90. After leaving the magazine, Caroline worked for a short time in the Cardiff newsroom.