快好知 kuaihz

1. None but the wearer knows where the shoe pinches. 2. These suits are designed to protect the wearer from cold shock as they enter the water. 3. The straps can be adjusted to suit the wearer. 4. Clothes, of course, say a lot about the wearer. 5. Maker and wearer share a breathtaking expectation. 6. Saris are seen as a sign of the wearer being progressive. 7. Lydia Glasher writes that the wearer of these diamonds will be cursed by the wrong she did. 8. The structural invisibility enjoyed by the uniform wearer is a strange matter to experience. 9. You show me a tweed-skirted twinset and pearl wearer, and I guarantee there's a scarlet bustier pulsating beneath. 10. None but the wearer know where the shoe pinch. 11. No one but the wearer knows the shoe pinches. 12. Shoes can also reveal a lot about the wearer. 13. No one but the wearer knows where the pinches. 14. It imparted to the wearer a kind of sacredness, which enabled her to amid all peril. 15. In medieval times the sapphire was believed to offer protection to its wearer. 16. A coat must conform to the figure of the wearer. 17. Dress not only covers and decorates the body but instils in the wearer its own characteristic strengths and weaknesses. 18. Many manufacturers offer packs with adjustable harnesses, allowing the wearer to get the correct fit. 19. In one case, a market trader offered cheap sunglasses, claiming they protected the wearer from ultraviolet solar rays. 20. Vibration and pressure devices can be used to output information to the wearer. 21. Neither approached the tactical nous of cricket's most famous cravat wearer, Douglas Jardine. 22. Similarly, her consideration of wearing a crucifix as jewellery was linked to assumptions that individuals might ascribe to the wearer. 23. Each company sells clothes which have a clear identity allowing the wearer to convey a particular image to the outside world. 24. Unlike its plainer cousin, it will not bring shame to the wearer by wilting or drooping on the crucial day. 25. So, except during a few warm days in summer, a white coat would seem to put its wearer at a disadvantage. 26. These markers turn purple four hours ahead of menstruation, giving the wearer plenty of notice. 27. They were worn with one end thrown across the shoulder high under the chin, giving the wearer a conspiratorial air. 28. Beer goggles are fictitious eyeglasses which purportedly cause an inebriated wearer to see members of the opposite sex as more romantically attainable or physically attractive than they actually are. 29. These boots change shape depending on the speed and motion of the wearer. 30. As tight as a corset, the new speed suits make the wearer sleeker and more streamlined.