快好知 kuaihz

1. Anti-perspirants stop wetness, deodorants stop odour. 2. He tasted warm wetness on his tongue and touched his lip and took away a bloodied finger. 3. She allowed him more, her own wetness making the entry smooth, no pain involved, only pleasure. 4. I forgot my wetness, my dripping jeans, the soggy waterlogged ground. 5. He shut the gate behind Willie and the wetness from the top splashed into his face. 6. Another key contributing factor is the warmth and wetness of skin. 7. The wetness of his tongue as it slipped over them made Kate arch her back with delight. 8. He confirmed the wetness of the swimming trunks. 9. Whatever his wetness, his brains were dry enough. 10. Discussed are some methods for measuring the wetness of water drop - containing air. 11. Grain protein content of wetness management was highest, that of water layer management was lowest. 12. I imagined that feeling the wetness on the bottom of my feet made me a poet. 13. At the other end of the wetness scale, planet GJ 1214b, which orbits a red dwarf star, may be almost entirely water. 14. Moreover, The measured wetness can provide useful data for improving and optimizing design of turbine passage. 15. Depending on the presence of soil moisture, they are absent from very dry ground and vary in structure according to wetness. 16. It is an Accrington brick-built town with few pretensions and it no doubt contributed to saving Gedge from a terminal dose of wetness. 17. Glover sat up in bed at dawn and felt the wetness of his pajama top. 18. He submitted tongue-tied, and shivered with repugnance when he felt the warm wetness of her face. 19. Let him see the hand go through the hair, as if combing the wetness out. 20. She only knew that they had made love at all by the sticky wetness in between her thighs and on the bedsheet. 21. Try to hear the sound of the water, feel its wetness against your skin and visualise its restless movement. 21. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 22. This gives a moisture-retentive growing medium, but allows excessive wetness to drain from the roots of the plants. 23. He tried to lick her ear, but Judy jerked her head away - she couldn't bear that warm messy wetness. 24. I settle back in my bed to read, but I am startled by a wetness between my legs. 25. Cold, as a rule, doesn't bother them but they will not tolerate prolonged wetness, particularly during the winter. 26. However, a major advantage of superheating steam is that for increasing cycle temperature and pressure, the exhaust wetness in the turbine can be maintained within the physical limits. 27. Based on the experimental data, some performance parameters of sensor are evaluated, and the function formula between wetness and frequency difference is matched. 28. Thick - greasy fur plays an important role within the diagnosis of syndrome of phlegm and wetness. 29. His solemn eyes were too bright . And down one cheek was a track of wetness. 30. The results of this research provide reference for study the capacitance method measure the wetness of steam further, and establish base for developing the novel capacitance wetness sensor.