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(1) We discuss the pathogenesis of herpetic uveitis. (2) Objective To study the clinical features of post herpetic neuralgia ( PHN ) associated visceral reactions. (3) Methods: 90 patients with acute herpetic stomatitis were randomly divided into two groups. (4) A herpetic ulcer is seen microscopically to have a sharp margin. (5) Among the other areas the cold sore virus can infect are the finger (herpetic whitlow) and the eye (ocular herpes). (6) The treatment of acute retention of urine occurring in a primary herpetic attack in the female deserves a brief mention. (7) Now it has shown good therapeutic effect on the diseases of intervertebral disc disorder, herpetic zoster neuralgia, cervical syndrome, gonarthritis, and so on. (8) For example, inflammation from herpes can leave a bad itch called post - herpetic pruritis in its wake. (9) CONCLUSIONS: Image analysis validly assesses the disciform geometry of herpetic stromal keratitis and confirms that increased severity is associated with uveitis and reduced vision.