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make peace造句
1. If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy. Then he becomes your partner. 2. The negotiators are trying to make peace between the warring factions. 3. Until you make peace with who you are, you'll never be content with what you have. 4. Stop fighting you two - shake hands and make peace ! 5. Neither side in the conflict seems willing to make peace overtures. 6. Make peace between Sparta and Athens! 7. He sought to make peace. 8. We're willing to make peace if we can all agree. 9. For almost 20 years, she struggled to make peace with the past. 10. Others continue the hostility into adulthood and never make peace with their brothers and sisters - a phenomenon called sibling rivalry. 11. Before Nina dies she and Gael again make peace, she repents her sins, and Gael vows to rewrite his novel. 12. The UN wants to make peace in the world. 13. They decided they must make peace. 14. Make peace with the Iroquois. 14.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 15. Let us therefore make peace with the red ray. 16. The caretaker regime was prepared to make peace with the invaders. 17. The African Union's efforts to make peace are constrained by lack of human resources, material supplies and funding. 18. He tried to make peace with his parents before they passed away. 19. The two leaders also discussed make peace with willing insurgents and reintegrate them into Afghan society. 20. Make peace with yourself for you are not at peace within and are accolading disachievement of us. We are not here to dis-achieve but to find our way to increasing union of self. 21. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present. 22. When warring families wanted to make peace and arrange a parley, the Bocchicchio clan was contacted. 23. There Philip and Richard laid down three conditions upon which they were prepared to make peace. 24. Her main motive was simple: to retrieve the ring and thereby enable Rick to make peace with his family. 25. You see, gentlemen, my position is simply to invite the two nations to come together to make peace. 26. We must create conditions to help the troops do their job, to make peace in Bosnia. 27. However, with his defeat at Puebla, the moderates secured a majority in Congress and determined to make peace. 28. And what will I do with the third colorado volunteers if we make peace? 29. Rabin sighed, and in his deep, world-weary voice, said, I suppose one does not make peace with ones friends. 30. Golda Meir once said that she believed the Arabs would one day make peace because an "Arab mother who loses a son in battle weeps as bitterly as any Israeli mother."