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handing over造句
31. The young clerk got into hot water for handing over the documents without obtaining a receipt. 32. Nereus had agreed to this plan, but had no intentions on handing over such a powerful asset to unknown aliens. 33. A public-sector employer could replace its pension plan by buying a promise of equivalent value in the markets and handing over the proceeds to its employees. 34. Not that Buss is planning on handing over control any time soon. 35. We also update the chunk data to an In-process status before handing over to the downstream system. 36. In reality, they were handing over their children to a life of malnourishment, harsh training schedules and vicious beatings by the circus staff. 36.try its best to gather and create good sentences. 37. Handing over procedures conducted by a common accountant should be supervised by a leading member of the accounting body or the accountant in charge. 38. In 2004 Russia settled a long-running border dispute with China, handing over Tarabarov island in the Amur river, and half of another large island, Bolshoy Ussuriysky. 39. For the next 20 years Engels worked grumpily away, handing over half his generous income to an ever more demanding Marx. 40. Contemporary painters of TaiHangs stands in thing square handing over to remit to order culturally, can't close door to surrender to justice, can't also face change sides in war. 41. The staff of VAT desk handing over and properly keeping the VAT invoices. 42. Blair, 54, left office after 10 years on Wednesday, handing over power to Gordon Brown. 43. Don't be surprised if, upon handing over several bills, they are run through a counting machine, which nearly every Chinese business seems to have on hand. 44. Instead of handing over any money, however, the teller pressed a silent alarm and away. 45. Before handing over the examination paper, you to check earnestly. 46. Still, the thought of handing over hundreds of billions of dollars to China who sits on a couple trillin dollar surplus is going to cause problems in the negotiations at Copenhagen. 47. Last week, South Korea's intelligence agency arrested one of its own former agents, as well as an active two-star army general, for handing over classified information. 48. He launched his campaign at the Knesset, promising that any future agreement with the Palestinians will not include handing over parts of the West Bank and the Golan Heights. 49. Buyer: is responsible for the goods after the handing over with the first carrier. 50. For high speed gravure press it diameter, handing over paper is a security measure. 51. Those might include a faster administrative process for handing over the data to the IRS. 52. A robber in New York came up with a disarming way to pull off his latest bank heist, approaching the teller's window with a large bouquet of flowers and handing over a hold-up note. 53. It ends a long-running dispute between the US and Switzerland who had argued that handing over the information would violate banking secrecy laws. 54. The previous head of the county is handing over the office to his successor. 55. The gunman's threats terrified her into handing over the money. 56. Many Chinese people watched the handing over ceremony without missing a single detail. 57. He was dismissed from his job for gross misconduct after handing over confidential documents to the press. 58. The main management work at the time of completion in project is handing over, acceptance check, guarantee and return visit etc.