快好知 kuaihz

lose money造句
31. Along with large individual investors to buy the main unit, does not normally lose money. 32. We are sure to lose money if we accept it. 33. No matter how good the software at this rate you'll lose money. 34. Before you start scouring for deals, keep in mind that owning rental properties is time-consuming, expensive and fraught with challenges, and many investors lose money. 35. Michael smiled and said, " You won't lose money on the deal and neither will your friends. 36. The companies may be deliberately underbidding for the right to build new projects and then planning to go back to the government later and demand compensation once the projects lose money. 37. Low-quality auditing will misguide the voucher users to make decision and let them lose money . 38. Anyone who gambles the exchange has to be prepared to lose money. 39. That oversupply, traders say, has seen shipments to China diverted to other parts of Asia, while some metal is being re-exported from China, as companies in import financing deals start to lose money. 40. We shall lose money over this job before we've finished! 41. Paul Templarhaus managed to lose money everywhere he opened a shop. 42. Make Money is every one wanted, nobody want to do the lose money business, please do not hearing and believe any roorback. 43. This is an interesting occupation, but I'm afraid you'll lose money at it. 44. Peddlery : lose money in business sharply, massive haemorrhage, reduction sale.